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Yield testing

Yield testing is mainly concerned with physical properties of the food i.e. texture , composition ,keeping qualities, flavour , smell etc. Usually yield tests are performed on foods brought. As purchased and need to convert to convert to ready to cook items received already pre-portioned do not need any yield tests. Some foods you received ready to cook might need yield tests. Yield tests will tell you:1 yield of kg, litres .gms ,portions and so on. 2 Cost per kg , litre , gm, portion and so on . Yield tests are pre-cost technique because before you serve an item you determine its cost. yield tests are pre control technique because you know the cost of the item and you can adjust the menu selling price before serving the item. Many of the items you purchase are not immediately ready to use when you receive them. They have to pre-preparation work done. This adds to the cost of the item because it will cost you some things to have your employees trim,peel or do some work on the items after you receive them . (a) Butchery test : 1 Waste 2 Yield(useable meat) 3 Bones 4 No of portions 5 Fat amount & colour 6 Feel to touch (fat) 7 Firmness of flesh 8 Colour of flesh 9 Bone structure 10 Colour of bones (b) Cooking Test : 1 Cooking time 2 Cooking losses 3 Taste after cooking 4 Flavour after cooking 5 Shrinkage. All the above mentioned are observed in these tests. These tests can be used to compare two sample . They form a basis for standard purchase specifications.

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