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Written by SOL filmproduction

Diegetic Sound
Sound that is in the reality of the film.

Sound that you expect to be there.

Sound that has its source in the film:

- Voices of characters - Sounds made by objects in the story - Music that is represented as coming from instruments in the story (source music) Diegetic sound can be either on screen or off screen depending on whatever its source is within the frame or outside the frame.

Non-diegetic sound
Sound that has its source not in the story
Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor

has been implied to be present in the action: - Voice over (narrator) - Sound effects which are added for the dramatic effect - Score music

Sound effects
An imitative sound produced artificially for films
Sound for an particular action A fake sound to make something more real Sound effects are diegetic ,e.g. thunder or an explosion Diegetic sound effects may be not real, e.g. laser shots

Sound motif
A small piece of music that represents a character.
It indicates something good or bad.

Sound bridge
A piece of music that changes the location/scene.
At the beginning of one scene, the sound from the

previous scene carries over briefly before the sound from the new scene begins. At the end of one scene, the sound from the next scene is heard, leading into that scene.

Speaking in a film between the characters.

Voice over
A voice over is non-diegetic
The voice of an unseen commentator It is usually used to narrate the story

Mode of address/ direct address

The way the audience is addressed Direct address: A character in the film speaks directly into

the camera and addresses the audience directly. It removes the need for a narrator.

Sound perspective
Sound is louder when something gets closer and is more

quiet when something gets away Different perspectives of sound Sound is louder when a character speaks in front of the camera and more quiet when a character speaks behind a window etc.

Background music
Extract of full songs A recording of the musical accompaniment to a movie.

Score music
Background music
Orchestral music Including sound motif

Ambient sound
Background sound
It creates an effect (e.g. crowd)

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