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A SUMMER PINBOARD Jessica: Look at me! Im standing on a bridge in London. Its raining, but I like walking in the rain. I can hear something... Big Ben is ringing. Whats the time? Greg: Its hot and sunny. Look at me! Im in the sea. Im riding a big shark. It has got big teeth. But, dont be afraid! Its not real! Elliot: Look at me! Im visiting an old castle with my family. It looks spooky. Who lives there? Can you guess? A ROUND-THE-WORLD TRIP Jessica: Look! A monkey... Greg: An elephant... Susan: And a snake. Elliot: Look at this funny lion! Jessica: Thats not a lion! Its a jaguar. Elliot: Uncle Phil, what are you doing? Uncle Phil: Im swinging. Children: Uncle Phil, you are the king of the jungle! Greg: Wow, what a strange house! Elliot: Thats not a house! Its a pyramid. Uncle Phil: And, look at me! Im riding a camel. Im so thirsty. Children: Uncle Phil, your camel is thirsty, too! Elliot: Uncle Phil, what are you doing? Uncle Phil: Im building an igloo. Ronnie: That duck has got a lovely coat! Children: Ronnie! Thats not a duck. Its a penguin. Elliot: Whats a penguin doing in the Arctic? Uncle Phil: He is visiting his friends. Children: Can he visit us, too?


PIXYS NEW COAT Narrator: This is Pixy. He is a penguin. He is visiting his friends in the Arctic. It is sunny today. Pixy is wearing his black and white coat. He is hot, very hot. He would like a new summer coat. Pixy is in the shop now. The red coat is too big. The blue coat is too small. Oh, no! How about this green one? It is perfect! But Pixy is sad. His friends are laughing. He looks so funny! What's this? A beautiful orange parasol for Pixy. He is very happy. Pixy is wearing his black and white coat again, but he is not hot any more. SUMMER RAP Jaguar: Uncle Phil, let me swing! I would like to be the king. Camel: Im so thirsty, look at me! I would like a cup of tea. Pixy: It is hot, it is hot! I would like a summer coat. Uncle Phil: It was fun, I must say, But now its time to fly away.


WHAT IS THERE IN THE CLASSROOM? Narrator: Elliot, Greg, Luke and Susan are talking about their new classroom. Jessica is coming... Jessica: Hi, guys! Is this our new classroom? Children: Yes! Isnt it amazing? Susan: Look! There is a big pinboard on the wall. Greg: And, there are some posters, too. Elliot: Look at this bookshelf! There are so many books there. Something for me! Luke: And, look! Something for me, too! There is a globe on the teachers desk. Jessica: Is that a new TV set? Greg: Yes, and there is a video recorder under it, too! Susan: Psst! Listen! The teacher is coming. Lets go back to our seats! MEET MS SPRINGFIELD Narrator: This is Ms Springfield. She has got blonde hair and big blue eyes. Isn't she nice? This is her house. It is not very big, but there is a beautiful garden around it. Her favourite flower is the blue rose. Guess why! Blue is her favourite colour. Ms Springfield is very romantic. She likes music and poetry. She likes singing, too. Ms Springfield likes computers. She likes writing stories on her computer, but she doesn't like playing computer games. Ms Springfield has got a special hobby. It is horse riding. She is a real champion. Look at her collection of medals! Look at Ms Springfield now! She is wearing her favourite blue dress. It's 8.30. She is rushing to school. Surprise, surprise - she is the new teacher! A CLASSROOM SONG Theres a mouse in the schoolbag, And a poster on the door, There are books on the desk, And a sponge on the floor. Theres a welcome back pinboard, And a world map on the wall, Psst! I can hear the teacher, Coming down the hall.


MATHS RIDDLES Narrator: Ms Springfield is coming into the classroom. She has got some maths riddles for her pupils. Ms Springfield: Lets do maths and have some fun! Are you ready for the first riddle? Children: Yes, Ms Springfield. Ms Springfield: How many red things are there in the classroom? Jessica: There are three red things in the classroom: a rubber, a ruler and a sharpener. Ms Springfield: Great, Jessica! Lets hear the next riddle! There are two books on the desk, there are five books on the cupboard and there is one book under the chair. How many books are there in the classroom? Greg: May I answer, teacher? Ms Springfield: Yes, Greg. Go ahead! Greg: There are eight books in the classroom. Ms Springfield: Excellent! Finally, time for the last riddle. Ive got ten carrots in the basket. I put four carrots in the fridge. How many carrots are there in the basket now? Ronnie: Six! Children: Ronnie, you are a real maths wizard! JESSICAS FAVOURITE NUMBER Number 7: Hi! My name is Seven. I'm a number, but I can be your friend, too! Just look at Jessica! Narrator: Jessica's house number is seven. She lives at 7 Oak Street. How many oak trees are there in her street? Every day she gets up at seven o'clock in the morning. She is sometimes sleepy, but she likes school very much. Jessica's room is small, but there are a lot of toys there. She likes her seven teddy bears best. Jessica likes fairy tales very much. Her favourite one is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It's seven o'clock in the evening now. Jessica is running home. Time for her favourite cartoon! It is not hard to guess Jessica's favourite number, is it?


ONE, TWO,... One, two, Buckle my shoe; Three, four, Knock at the door; Five, six, Pick up sticks; Seven, eight, Lay them straight; Nine, ten, A good fat hen; Eleven, twelve, Dig and delve; Thirteen, fourteen, Maids a-courting; Fifteen, sixteen, Maids in the kitchen; Seventeen, eighteen, Maids a-waiting; Nineteen, twenty, My plate is empty.


WHAT CAN ROBBIE DO? Narrator: Greg has got a brand new toy. It is a robot, but it is his friend, too. The children are coming to Greg's house to meet his new friend. Greg: This is Robbie. He is very special. He can do a lot of things. Jessica: I can play volleyball. What about you, Robbie? Can you play any sports? Robbie: Of course, I can. I can play tennis, football and basketball, but...I can't play icehockey. Elliot: Can you read, Robbie? Robbie: Yes, I can, but I'm not very fast. I can read two stories in a day. Robbie: And, where is your friend Susan? Jessica: She is at home, helping mum with the housework. Robbie: I can help her. I can make the beds. I can wash the dishes. I can't cook, but I can make a sandwich and a pizza, too. Children: Robbie, will you be our friend, too? A VISIT TO ROBOLAND Narrator: One day Robbie visits his friends in Roboland. Roboland is far, far away, so Robbie takes his special Robo Lorry. He has got some presents for his friends. Here are some books for Victor. He has got the biggest collection of books in Roboland. He can read ten books in a day. Robbie has got a pair of new football boots for Eric. He is the best football player in Roboland. He can score ten goals per match. Linus is the best cook in Roboland. He can make a hundred pancakes in a minute. So, what has Robbie got for Linus? A new frying pan! Robbie's friends are very happy. Robbie is happy, too. But, it is time to go back home. See you next year! ROBBIES SONG Jesica: Who can read a book? Who can climb a tree? Who can make a sandwich? Who can make some tea? Robbie: I can read a book, I can climb a tree, I can make a sandwich, And I can make some tea.


Greg: Who can play the drums? Who can write a story? Who can wash the dishes? Who can drive a lorry? Robbie: I can play the drums, I can write a story, I can wash the dishes, And I can drive a lorry. Elliot: Who can ride a bike? Who can play chess? Who can make a snowman? Who can make a mess? Robbie: I can ride a bike, I can play chess, I can make a snowman, But, who cant make a mess?!


WHATS THE TIME? Jessica: Its Monday. Its five oclock. Time for my volleyball practice. Look at me! Im wearing a T-shirt and a pair of trainers. Susan: Its Tuesday. Its half past five. Time for my ballet class. Ive got new ballet shoes. Elliot: Its Wednesday. Its six oclock. Time for my Young Scientists class. Its so exciting! I always learn something new. Ms Springfield: Its Thursday. Its half past six. Time for my singing class. Where are my notes? Greg: Its Friday. Its seven oclock. Time for my swimming class. I can swim very fast. Can you? Luke: Its Saturday. Its half past seven. Time for my ice-hockey practice. Its fun, but you can sometimes get hurt. Thats why Ive got a big helmet. Uncle Phil: Its Sunday. Its two oclock. Picnic time! Lets have fun! SUPER SUZY IS BACK! Narrator: She can swim. She can climb a tree. She can drive a car. She can even fly. Who is she? Do you remember? Super Suzy, of course! It's eight o'clock in the morning. It is very hot. Super Suzy is driving through the desert. The camel is very thirsty, but Super Suzy can help her. She has got a box full of orange juice. It's twelve o'clock. Super Suzy is in the jungle now. Who is in trouble? It is the baby jaguar. Super Suzy is climbing the tree to help him. Be careful next time, baby jaguar! It's five o'clock. There is a call from the Arctic. It is snowing and it is very cold. Pixy is crying. He is lost. He can't find his friends. Super Suzy is flying to the Arctic to help him. Look! Pixy is back with his friends. It's eight o'clock in the evening. What a day! Super Suzy is really tired. Knock, knock! Super Sam is here with a glass of her favourite super milk. He is a real friend, isn't he? A SILLY WEEK Its sunny on Monday, sunny on Monday, Take off your coat! Take off your coat!


Its hot on Tuesday, hot on Tuesday, Lets row a boat! Lets row a boat! Its raining on Wednesday, raining on Wednesday, Sing in the rain! Sing in the rain! Its foggy on Thursday, foggy on Thursday, Dont fly a plane! Dont fly a plane! Its windy on Friday, windy on Friday, Fly a kite! Fly a kite! Its cold on Saturday, cold on Saturday, The frost can bite! The frost can bite! And, finally Sunday, finally Sunday, Dressed in white, dressed in white!


MONTHS AND SEASONS January: It is snowing. Everything is white. Ronnie is skiing. February: Red is for Valentine's Day. Super Sam is writing a Valentine card. March: It is a nice day. Jessica is picking snowdrops. April: It is raining. The Easter Bunny is at home. He is preparing his Easter basket. May: It is a beautiful spring day. Ms Springfield is watering her blue roses. June: School is over. See you in September! July: It is warm and sunny. Susan is in a summer camp. August: It is a hot summer day. Greg is on the beach. He is making sandcastles. September: Back to school and time to see your friends again! October: It is a cloudy autumn day. Elliot is getting ready for Halloween. November: It is cold and windy. Luke is in his room. He is listening to music. December: Christmas time! Uncle Phil is decorating the Christmas tree.

WHATS YOUR FAVOURITE SEASON? Ms Springfield: What's your favourite season, children? Greg: It's summer, because then I can swim, I can make sandcastles, I can eat a lot of icecream and I can even ride a shark! Jessica: I like autumn. My birthday is in September. I always have a big chestnut cake. Yummy! Luke: My favourite season is winter, because I like snow, winter sports and Santa's presents. Ms Springfield: My garden is so beautiful at that time of the year. I can hear the birds singing and there are flowers everywhere. Spring is so romantic, isn't it? Ronnie: And, what about me? I like summer because then I can make a snowman. I like autumn because then I can see my friend Easter Bunny again. I like winter because then I can swim in the sea. I like spring because then I can put on my Halloween costume. Children: Ronnie! You've mixed up all the seasons! THE FOX AND THE HEDGEHOG Narrator: The seasons in the forest change fast. Winter is here sooner than you know it. It is spring. The hedgehog is cleaning his house. And the fox? He is just looking at himself in the mirror.


Summer is here. Look at the hedgehog now! His basket is full of twigs. And the fox? He is sitting under the tree and drinking lemonade. It is autumn now. Look at the hedgehog! He is carrying a basket full of apples. And the fox? He is snoring. Dinner was delicious! Winter is here. It is snowing outside. The hedgehog is sitting in his armchair. It is warm and cosy in his house. Knock, knock! Who is that? It is the fox! He is hungry and freezing. The hedgehog has got some food, a drink and a warm blanket, too. The fox is saved! He promises never to be lazy again. ITSY BITSY SPIDER An itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout, Down came the rain and washed the spider out, Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, And itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.



ROBBIES FRIEND Robbie: This is my friend Ruby. She lives in Roboland. She is very young. She is only 50. Her birthday is in February. She has got orange hair and green eyes. She is wearing a space jacket and a mini-skirt. She is so pretty, isnt she? She is also very clever. She can solve ten maths riddles in five minutes. But, thats not all! She can fix your TV set, she can fix your computer, she can even fix her own spaceship. She likes travelling in space. This is her postcard from the Moon. It looks so exciting!


GUSESS THE ANIMAL Greg: Is it big? Jessica: Yes. Susan: Is it dangerous? Jessica: No. Elliot: Has it got wings? Jessica: No. Susan: Does it live in the desert ? Jessica: No. Luke: Does it live in the sea? Jessica: Yes. Elliot: Does it like fish? Jessica: Yes. Greg: Can it swim? Jessica: Yes. Luke: Is it a dolphin? Jessica: Yes, its a dolphin. Susan: Is it small? Luke: No. Jessica: Is it brown? Luke: Yes. Greg: Has it got four legs? Luke: Yes. Susan: Does it live on a farm? Luke: No. Elliot: Does it live in the jungle? Luke: Yes. Greg: Does it like meat? Luke: Yes. Jessica: Can it run fast? Luke: Yes. Elliot: Is it a lion? Luke: Yes, its a lion. Jessica: Is it big? Elliot: No. Luke: Is it strong? Elliot: No. Greg: Has it got big teeth? Elliot: No. Susan: Has it got big ears? Elliot: Yes. Jessica: Does it live in the Arctic? Elliot: No. Greg: Does it live in the forest?


Elliot: Yes. Luke: Does it like carrots? Elliot: Yes. Susan: Is it a rabbit? Elliot: Yes, its a rabbit. HOW DOES HAROLD BECOME A HERO? Narrator: It is a hot sunny day. Harold the Hippo is lying in the water. He is usually very happy, but today he is sad. He is looking at his friends in the jungle. Look at Gemma the Giraffe! She is tall and thin. She has got a beautiful long neck. She can walk like a queen. Marcus the Monkey is so funny. But, that's not all! He can climb a tree. He can swing. He can even eat five bananas in a minute! Lenny the Lion is the king of all animals. He is strong and brave. And, he can run very fast. Pinky the Parrot is special, too. He has got a red and yellow jacket, but best of all - he can talk! Suddenly, there is a loud cry! Baby lion: Help! Help! Is that baby lion? Oh, no! Baby lion is in the water, and it can't swim! But, can Gemma swim? No, she can't. Can Marcus swim? No, he can't. Can Pinky swim? No, he can't. Can Lenny swim? A little bit, but he is scared now. Who can save the baby lion? Harold, of course! He can swim very fast. Look at the baby lion now! It is sitting on Harold's back. All the animals are clapping. Harold is happy again. He is a real hero. MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece was white as snow. Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went, Everywhere that Mary went, The lamb was sure to go. It followed her to school one day, School one day, school one day,


It followed her to school one day, Which was against the rules. It made the children laugh and play, Laugh and play, laugh and play, It made the children laugh and play, To see the lamb in school.


WHERE AM I? Spider: In this room there is a wardrobe, a big bed and a lovely carpet. Im on the curtains. Where am I? Cat: Im under the big table. There are six chairs around it. Mouse: You can take a shower in this room. There is a bath, a wash-basin and a mirror there. Im in the washing machine. Where am I? Owl: In this room there is a sofa, a fireplace, a TV set and a video recorder. There are also two armchairs in this room. Im on the big lamp. Where am I? Ronnie: There are a lot of cupboards in this room. There is also a cooker, a sink and a dishwasher in this room. And, whats in the fridge? Yummy! HOME SWEET HOME Narrator: Where do you live? In a house or in a flat? It doesnt matter. Take care of it, because it is your home. It is night time. The house is scared. It is so dark. What can you do? You can turn on the lights and make it bright. It is winter time. It is snowing outside. The house is freezing. What can you do? You can light the fireplace and make it warm. It is summer time. The sun is shining. The house is so hot. What can you do? You can open the windows and let in some fresh air. But, whats wrong with the house today? It is not hot. It is not freezing. It is not scared. The house is sneezing all the time. Achoo! Achoo! Shall we call the doctor? But, why? The house is not sick. It is just dirty. So, what can you do? You can clean it, and everything will be OK. Look! It is nice and shiny again, and it is not sneezing. At the end of the day the house is very sleepy. What can you do? You can turn off the lights. Good night, sweet home and sleep tight!


A MAGIC MESS Hoot, hoot, hoot, Hoot, hoot, hoot, Mix and shake, mix and shake, Without the water or the broom, Clean and tidy is my room! Hoot, hoot, hoot, Hoot, hoot, hoot, Mix and shake, mix and shake, Help me Tess, help me Tess, Because my house is a mess!


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