Stages of The Poster

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Stages of the poster

I think we chose a suitable photograph for our poster, it is a good long shot which shows everything we want (Brighton Pier and the dog). Our first thing we wanted to do was get the font right because it had to suit the genre of our music video. We finally decided on Rockwell as we liked its rigid look and how eye catching it came across, we chose quite a dark red which went well with the colour of the dogs fur and its waist coat. The album name was placed due to the research we had done on album covers and I think it suits the poster well. The white was a trial and error but we decided it works well.

Stages of the poster

We struggled with the album information due to the pebbles in the sand, every font we seemed to use wasnt noticeable and blended in. We settled for a white banner which opacity was lowered quite a lot, the white was chosen because it went well with the album names colour. We changed the font for the album release because we wanted to make the presentation more exciting. The font was Rosewood Std, we really liked this font because it looked very much like a promotion for a fair ground which added to it being filmed on Brighton Pier. After this font we returned back to our original font Rockwell.

Stages of the poster- Final Design

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