Assignment On Jabong

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MARKETING STRATEGIES OF JABONG.COM is an Indian Online fashion & Apparel store funded by Germany based incubator Rocket Internet. deals with apparels, footwear, jewellery, beauty products, Fragrances, Home Accessories and a few other varieties of products. Jabong offers express delivery with multiple methods for payment including credit/debit card, net banking and cash on delivery. The cash on delivery payment model is very significant in India, as people would like to see the product before making a purchase. Jabong has a well-maintained warehouse in approx. 1 lakh sq. feet area. The store at present has over 200 brands and 20,000 products and office

Jabong has spent a fortune in advertising not just on television, but also on the internet, through many ad networks, Google being the most notable. COD (Cash on Delivery) payment option, which has become an industry standard these days and free shipping. Upon registration, Jabong gave coupons worth Rs. 2000/-, which could use in four installments of Rs. 500/- each, on transactions of Rs. 1500/- each. Jabong scores a second time, for clever promotions, which give them good business, while also rewarding customers for shopping, thereby make them loyal. It is the second transaction that makes write this. Upon receiving the coupons, people were induced to buy and redeem the coupon, like any consumer would. Jabong scores another one here. They confirm every COD order before dispatching the merchandise. Clever move by the company, operating in an industry which is plagued by stagnant inventory ordered with COD, but not met with payment upon delivery. The retail company is taking its social media presence seriously, like any other touch point, and puts customer service as not just a priority, but a necessity. PUSH & PULL STRATEGY


PULL MARKETING (Getting the customer to come to you)

It is a method of advertising used by Jabong to try and get consumers to find the company on their own. The idea is that people will find your company because your company was able to build a successful brand. This would mean that a company has offered a valuable product and created enough social media visibility to become something that a person wants all on his/her own. One of the most popular ways to do this is by offering a 20% off type-deal or special promotion. Examples of pull tactics

Advertising and mass media promotion Word of mouth referrals Customer relationship management Sales promotions and discounts

Pull marketing is a newer concept and it has caught the attention of many and for good reason. Pull marketing takes less effort and is less expensive than more traditional marketing techniques. It also takes advantage of the growing social media and search engine marketing popularity. Jabong marketing strategies that are considered pull marketing methods: Blogging As a blogger I might be a bit bias, but I directly see the affects that blogging can have on a company. Blogging is a great way to let a large audience know that your company knows what its talking about (provided you have a good writer); thus helping pull them into your company. Social Media Any type of social media marketing would be considered pull marketing. This is another great way to increase the visibility of your brand and offer deals to people who want to see them. You arent forcing anyone to see your promotions when on social media because if they want to see more, they have to go to your page and click. Speaking Engagements This is a great time for a company to really promote its brand and show off the type of value the company can bring to those listening. Its a way to pull people in without having to actually call them or bother them to listen to your messages. Email Newsletters This is a great type of pull marketing because you can put special deals in your newsletters without forcing them in someones face. People sign up for your newsletters, so it is there choice whether or not to receive these emails. When they see your special deal, youre likely to pull them in and turn them into buyers. Pay Per Click Advertising


PUSH MARKETING (Taking the product to the customer)

Jabong initially uses a Push strategy, its way in front of users without the user initiating the request. Push marketing is great for generating brand awareness, promoting a new product or service, or delivering a time-sensitive message. Jabong marketing strategies that are considered push marketing methods: Display advertising Run display ads and video ads on relevant websites such as sports blogs and sports news websites. Mobile ads Target ads at users who are within a certain mile radius of baseball stadiums, or who are searching for baseball-related phrase from their mobile phone. E-mail campaigns Build an email list and distribute product information and promotions such as spring-training discount offers.


Tomcat server is a web application server from the Apache Software Foundation that executes Java servlets and renders Web pages that include Java Server Page coding. Apache Tomcat (or simply Tomcat, formerly also Jakarta Tomcat) is an open source web server and servlet container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the JavaServer Pages (JSP) specifications from Oracle Corporation, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment for Java code to run. Tomcat can be used as either a standalone product with its own internal Web server or together with other Web servers. Tomcat requires a Java Runtime Enterprise Environment that conforms to JRE 1.1 or later. Tomcat is not the same as the Apache web server, which is a C implementation of a HTTP web server; these two web servers are not bundled together, although they are frequently used together as part of a server application stack. Apache Tomcat includes tools for configuration and management, but can also be configured by editing XML configuration files. Tomcat 4.x was released with Catalina, Coyote and Jasper

Catalina (A servlet container) Catalina is Tomcat's servlet container. Catalina implements Sun Microsystems specifications for servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP). In Tomcat, a Realm element represents a "database" of usernames, passwords, and roles (similar to Unix groups) assigned to those users. Different implementations of Realm allow Catalina to be integrated into environments where such authentication information is already being created and maintained, and then use that information to implement Container Managed Security as described in the Servlet Specification. Coyote (An HTTP connector) Coyote is Tomcat's HTTP Connector component that supports the HTTP 1.1 protocol for the web server or application container. Coyote listens for incoming connections on a specific TCP port on the server and forwards the request to the Tomcat Engine to process the request and send back a response to the requesting client. Jasper (A JSP engine). Jasper is Tomcat's JSP Engine. Tomcat 5.x uses Jasper 2, which is an implementation of the Sun Microsystems's JavaServer Pages 2.0 specification. Jasper parses JSP files to compile them into Java code as servlets (that can be handled by Catalina). At runtime, Jasper detects changes to JSP files and recompiles them.


From Jasper to Jasper 2, important features were added:

JSP Tag library pooling - Each tag markup in JSP file is handled by a tag handler class. Tag handler class objects can be pooled and reused in the whole JSP servlet. Background JSP compilation - While recompiling modified JSP Java code, the older version is still available for server requests. The older JSP servlet is deleted once the new JSP servlet has finished being recompiled. Recompile JSP when included page changes - Pages can be inserted and included into a JSP at runtime. The JSP will not only be recompiled with JSP file changes but also with included page changes. JDT Java compiler - Jasper 2 can use the Eclipse JDT (Java Development Tools) Java compiler instead of Ant and javac.

With the release of Tomcat 7.x, it has added 3 new components: Cluster This component has been added to manage large applications. It is used for Load balancing that can be achieved through many techniques. Clustering support currently requires the JDK version 1.5 or later. High availability In tomcat, High availability feature is added which is helpful for preplanned schedule of system performance on-demand basis by user. Tomcat feature supports to respond to user requests to handle operations of web applications. Web Application It has also added user as well as system based web applications enhancement to add support for deployment across the variety of environments. It also tries to manage session as well as applications across the network. Features of Tomcat 7.0 Tomcat 7.x implements the Servlet 3.0 and JSP 2.2 specifications. It requires Java version 1.6, although previous versions have run on Java 1.1 through 1.5. Versions 5 through 6 saw improvements in garbage collection, JSP parsing, performance and scalability. Native wrappers, known as "Tomcat Native", are available for Microsoft Windows and Unix for platform integration


Asynchronous Support Servlet 3.0's asynchronous support has been fully implemented in TC 7. There was async programming in Tomcat 6, but Servlet 3.0 support offers developers a standard interface, improving portability between containers. Dynamic Configuration Another Servlet3.0-related feature is Tomcat 7 dynamic configuration functionality. Tomcat 7 provides support for web fragments, so libraries can use an embedded web.xml fragment for configuration, eliminating the need to add library-specific configuration entries to application's web.xml files. Annotation Support Tomcat 7 also includes Servlet 3.0's new annotation support, offering developers a way to configure filters, listeners, and servlets using declarative style programming. Classes and servlets can be quickly defined by annotating the class, which makes development faster and eliminates the need for deployment descriptors. Extended Servlet API An extension of the Servlet API enables the programmatic addition of Filters and Servlets when an application starts. Although access to this API while running an application is prohibited in the Servlet 3.0 specification, Tomcat 7 will allow developers to ignore this somewhat controversial limitation if they wish, at the expense of portability. More Servlet 3.0 Features Other features that developers will appreciate include the use of generics, improved session tracking and SSL session ID tracking for increased security. Also included is a brand new file upload functionality, which will allow developers to upload additional libraries as needed.


Simplified Embedding Tomcat 7 includes an API that makes embeddable Tomcat applications a simple, hasslefree reality. Utilizing this new API, developers only need a few lines of code to get Tomcat running within their applications. Improved Logging Tomcat 7 includes two improvements to its logging system: a single line log formatter to make log files easier to read and an asynchronous file handler. The single line formatter writes logs in a single line, which makes life much easier for IT admins. The asynchronous handler allows Tomcat to write logs to disk in a dedicated thread, so that logging operations do not cause any latency in processing threads.

Aliases This new feature allows inclusion of external file systems or Web Application Archive content within an application, such as images or JavaScript directories, so that shared assets can be centrally distributed across a wide array of web applications. In todays deployment architectures, this is hugely powerful. Memory Leak Detection/Prevention Although the bugs in Tomcat's 4.1.x/5.5.x codebase responsible for some of these errors have long been fixed, developers still had trouble eliminating memory leaks caused by their own applications. Tomcat users have historically had problems withmemory leaks when reloading web applications throughout the existence of the project, usually manifesting as an OutOfMemoryError for the Permanent Generation. Improved Security The Manager and host-manager applications have been made more secure, by splitting privileges into multiple roles. Tomcat 7 also includes blocking to prevent tampering with the Session ID (sometimes called session fixation attacks). There are also now separate roles for script-based, web-based, JMX proxy, and status page access, for more specific access control.



OS-Environment I ran the Tomcat 7 upgrades on RHEL 5 and Java 6. I had some difficulty building Tomcat 7, but I never really figured out why. Suddenly, it just worked, so it may have been pilot error. Tomcat Manager I really prefer the commercial management products Each now also has a specific Manager Role associated with it and host manager has likewise been split into multiple roles. This should improve management security. Deployment This is one of the bigger changes in administration, because the most commonly used deploymentcontext descriptors contained in WAR files were extracted and deployed into the containing Host's xmlBase is no longer the default behavior Application Behavior Porting these three applications to Tomcat 7 was pretty straightforward. In the first case, the application just worked once I got it deployed and in the second case, I needed to do some tweaking of the configuration. In the last case, I needed to do some recoding because of the use of Hibernate. I havent ported any Spring Based applications Application Performance/Reliability Ive not done any stress testing yet, but my first impressions are that the applications are at least as stable and just a touch faster. One of the applicationsthat happens to be well instrumented runs about 8% faster with Tomcat 7.


Comparison between Tomcat 6.0 & Tomcat 7.0

The latest sub version of Apache Tomcat Server 7 is Apache Tomcat Server 7.0.25. Apache Tomcat Server 7 needs Java SE 6 or further version. Apache Tomcat Server 7 can be started quickly and it loads and runs web applications in a faster way. Apache Tomcat Server 6 is slightly slower when compared to Apache Tomcat Server 7 in starting as well as running web applications.


The last version of Apache Tomcat Server Tomcat 6.0.35. 6 was

Apache Tomcat 6 needs JRE 5.0 or further version.

security related feature that is available in Apache The security enhancements introduced in Apache Tomcat Server 7 is Cross Site Request Forgery Tomcat Server 7 including CSRF Prevention Filter is (CSRF) Prevention Filter. Apache Tomcat Server 7 includes the Servlet 3.0 API. not available in Apache Tomcat Server 6. Apache Tomcat Server 6 includes Servlet 2.5 API. Tomcat Server 7 supports Expression

Apache Tomcat Server 7 supports Expression Apache Language 2.2. JSP 2.2 API is bundled with Apache Tomcat Server 7. Apache Tomcat Server 7 offers tomcat-api.jar which contains interfaces that are shared by the Jasper and Catalina. Apache Tomcat Server 7 supports the third

Language 2.1. JSP 2.1 API is bundled with Apache Tomcat Server 6. Apache Tomcat Server 6 does not provide tomcatapi.jar

party applications that require Servlet 3.0 API. Apache Tomcat Server 7 provides improved

Since Apache Tomcat Server 6 does not support Servlet 3.0, it does not support the third party applications that require Servlet 3.0.

Apache Tomcat Server 6 does not include AddDefaultCharsetFilter and ExpiresFilter. It depends configurability through newly added container upon web applications to resolve the configurability components such as AddDefaultCharsetFilter and problems. ExpiresFilter. Apache Tomcat Server 7 code is modernized due to usage of generics in the necessary places. Apache Tomcat Server 6 code is not as modernized and cleaner as that of Apache Tomcat Server 7.


An assignment


Submitted By: - P. Saravana Kumar Roll No: - EMSJ12031

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