Lettre de L'office Régional de La Santé de Winnipeg Aux Dirigeants D'hôpitaux Et de Programmes de Soins de Santé Pour Femmes

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4th Floor, 650 Main Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1E2 CANADA TEL: 204| 926-7000 FAX: 204|

926-7007 www.wrha.mb.ca

650, rue Main, 4e tage Winnipeg (Manitoba) R3B 1E2 CANADA TL: 204| 926-7000 TLC: 204| 926-7007 www.wrha.mb.ca

Date: To: 28 January 2013 Urban Hospital CEOs & COOs Womens Health Program Arlene Wilgosh Site Communications Leads Paul Nyhof Brian Klos Heidi Graham Bronwyn Penner Holigroski Dana Erickson COO Health Sciences Centre WRHA Executive Lead Womens Health Program Telephone: 204.787.3607 From:



A member of the media recently contacted the general inquiry number for four of our hospitals inquiring about the availability of abortion services. Two hospitals gave correct referrals, one referred the reporter to Klinic (which would then have provided a correct referral) and one gave no information other than to say they did not perform the service at that site. The reporter has not shared what she actually asked, but is doing a story that says she received correct information from two sites and incorrect information from one. Please remind the members of your staff who take general inquiries from the public that if they are not aware of where specific services are offered, that they can and should refer the caller to Health Links Info Sant. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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