ILGA Rainbow Europe Map

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ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map, May 2012

re ecting the national legal human rights situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people in Europe
The ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map re ects the 49 European countries legislation and administrative practices that have a direct impact on the human rights situation of LGBTI people in Europe. The shade/score of each country is based on the ILGA-Europe Rainbow Index. The scale rates each countrys legislation and administrative practices which protect or violate the human rights of LGBTI people according to 42 categories. It ranks each country on a scale between 30 (the highest possible score indicating full legal protection and equality for LGBTI people) and -12 (the lowest possible score indicating gross violations of rights and legal discrimination against LGBTI people).

18 15

respect of human right, full equality

2 1 9 9 21 16 17 8 61/2 -3 20 9 -1 12 14 9 10 -3 21/2 5 9 2 -4 -41/2 6 6 6 -4 2 1 -3 6 1 -4 -4 3 -1 -41/2

United Kingdom Germany, Spain Sweden Belgium Netherlands Norway, Portugal Hungary Austria, Iceland Finland Croatia Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, Slovakia, Slovenia Luxembourg, Montenegro Switzerland Albania, Bulgaria, France, Romania, Serbia Bosnia & Herzegovina Andorra, Lithuania Italy Estonia, Greece, Kosovo, Poland Cyprus, Georgia, Latvia Malta Belarus, Liechtenstein Monaco, San Marino, Turkey Armenia, Azerbaijan, FYR Macedonia, Ukraine Moldova, Russia

6 3 15 20

8 2


With support from the European Union. This Map is supported by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity PROGRESS (2007-2013). For more information see: Sole responsibility lies with the authors and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

gross violations of human rights, discrimination

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