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European Commission approach to safety of General Aviation Airspace Infringement Workshop

TREN F3, Air Safety Gernot Kessler


24 January 2008

1. Supranational level action in the past 2. Benchmarking: Demand for change 3. Topic European commitment 4. Application to Workshops matters 5. Conclusions

NOUVELLE LGISLATION EUROPENNE POUR to safety of General Aviation European Commission approach CONOMISER LNERGIE

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1. Supranational action in the past

GA not in focus of policy and legislatory action However, GA impacted in fields as
Training and Licensing Operations Airworthiness and economics

NOUVELLE LGISLATION EUROPENNE POUR to safety of General Aviation European Commission approach CONOMISER LNERGIE

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2. Benchmarking: Demand for change

European GA highly evolved Margins for development Reports of areas of improvement:

proportionality of rules reflecting amount of complexity better respond to GA specific needs and limitations reduce economic burden

NOUVELLE LGISLATION EUROPENNE POUR to safety of General Aviation European Commission approach CONOMISER LNERGIE

3. Topic European commitment (1)

An agenda for Sustainable future in General and Business aviation adopted 11 Jan 2008:

for the first time, the overall GA sector was studied, quantified and challenges identified objective to integrate GA in to EU Air Transport Policy in a conscious way with full recognition of the specific GA parameter and needs refer to:
NOUVELLE LGISLATION EUROPENNE POUR to safety of General Aviation European Commission approach CONOMISER LNERGIE

3. Topic European commitment (2)

Ongoing efforts:

ESSI / EGAST: European GA Safety Team established in 2007 Development of an aggregated GA database Concept of better Regulation for GA Related OPS and LIC endeavours in the rulemaking process Commitment to proportionality as safety tool

NOUVELLE LGISLATION EUROPENNE POUR to safety of General Aviation European Commission approach CONOMISER LNERGIE

4. Application to Workshops matters (1)

Infringement matter reflects typical element of challenge faced by GA safety:

Not one fits all prerequisites for procedures, communications, proficiency, training etc. Peculiar responsibility and reporting schemes How to reach the individual addressee?
NOUVELLE LGISLATION EUROPENNE POUR to safety of General Aviation European Commission approach CONOMISER LNERGIE

4. Application to Workshops matters (2)

Developing mitigating solutions:

Safety paramount Focus on identified room for improvement instead of justification Peculiarities of GA need to be taken into account and respected by all players involved both development of rules and way of execution affected

NOUVELLE LGISLATION EUROPENNE POUR to safety of General Aviation European Commission approach CONOMISER LNERGIE

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5. Conclusions
Workshop in line with ongoing GA efforts Workshop one element to ensure safe and prospering European GA Safety improvement will form marketing element of GA All players cooperate for improvement, from rules to actual operation All equally affected Appeal to share effort of risk mitigation!
NOUVELLE LGISLATION EUROPENNE POUR to safety of General Aviation European Commission approach CONOMISER LNERGIE

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