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Hornyak 1 GRADE: 12th TEACHER(S): Mr. Jarrell (teacher), Mr.

Hornyak (SLMS) CONTENT TOPIC: Tracking Stocks STANDARDS FOR THE 21ST-CENTURY LEARNER GOALS Standards: Standard 1 Standard 2 Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge.

Skills Indicator(s): 1.1.1 Follow an inquiry based process in seeking knowledge in curricular subjects, and make the real-world connection for using this process in own life. 1.1.2 Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning. 1.1.4 Find, evaluate, and select appropriate sources to answer questions. 2.1.1 Continue an inquiry based research process by applying critical thinking skills to information and knowledge in order to construct new understandings, draw conclusions, and create new knowledge. 2.1.2 Organize knowledge so that it is useful. 2.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information. Benchmark(s): - Continue an inquiry-based research process by applying critical thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation, organization) to information and knowledge in order to construct new understandings, draw conclusions and create new knowledge. - Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information. - Conclude an inquiry-based research process by sharing new understanding and reflecting on the learning. - Using technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and assess. Dispositions Indicator(s): 1.2.2 Demonstrate confidence and self-direction by making independent choices in the selection of resources and information. 1.2.3 Demonstrate creativity by using multiple resources and formats. 1.2.7 Display persistence by continuing to pursue information to gain a broad perspective. 2.2.1 Demonstrate flexibility in the use of resources by adapting information strategies to each specific resource and by seeking additional resources when clear conclusions cannot be drawn. 2.2.4 Demonstrate personal productivity by completing products to express learning.

Hornyak 2 Responsibilities Indicator(s): 1.3.1 Respect copyright/intellectual property rights of creators and producers. 1.3.5 Use information technology responsibly. 2.3.1 Connect understanding to the real world. 2.3.3 Use valid information and reasoned conclusions to make ethical decisions. Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s): 1.4.2 Use interaction with and feedback from teachers and peers to guide own inquiry process. 1.4.3 Monitor gathered information, and assess for gaps or weaknesses. 1.4.4 Seek appropriate help when needed. 2.4.1 Determine how to act on information (accept, reject, modify). 2.4.3 Recognize new knowledge and understanding. CONNECTION TO LOCAL OR STATE STANDARDS Content Area: Banking & Investments Grade Level: 12th BCS-BI-8. Students will demonstrate an understanding of various investment instruments. a. Evaluate criteria for choosing a savings or investment instrument. b. Evaluate savings or investment instruments based on opportunity cost. c. Describe government securities and bonds. d. Evaluate local bond options as long-term investments. e. Identify commercial bank options such as CDs and money market accounts. f. Describe the operations of the stock market and evaluate equity funds. g. Evaluate mutual funds. h. Describe treasury bills. i. Evaluate savings bonds. j. Evaluate foreign exchange as an investment option. BCS-BI-10. Students will predict future investment trends. a. Analyze financial needs and goals to determine financial requirements. b. Estimate future growth rates of selected equities using industry indicators. c. Predict investment returns. d. Evaluate individual investment and financial needs and devise asset allocation mixes that fit those needs. e. Explain why savings and investing plans change as one proceeds through the life cycle. f. Develop financial goals for the future based on ones lifestyle expectations and career choices. ELA10LSV1. The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and group verbal interactions. MM2P1. Students will solve problems (using appropriate technology). MM2P4. Students will make connections among mathematical ideas and to other disciplines.

Hornyak 3 OVERVIEW: As part of Georgias Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) initiative, a Banking & Investments class is taught. Students in the Banking & Investments class learn principles related to investments including making individual investment decisions as well as all major capital markets transactions. This lesson seeks to expand on a students knowledge of capital market investments by having them create a small investment portfolio and track the progress of the underlying investments over the course of two weeks. Students will be directed to a pathfinder at www.trackingastock.pbworks.comt where they will be able to explore resources for researching and tracking stocks. Prior to the lesson, students have been introduced to the basics of buying and selling stocks and how they are traded on the open market. The classroom teacher and the SLMS decided that by using the technology resources in the library, students could do thorough research into the stocks they wanted to buy and periodically review those investments over the course of two weeks to understand how stock prices change based on the laws of supply and demand. After tracking those stocks for two weeks, students will be required to develop a presentation of their progress using their choice of an appropriate web 2.0 tool. FINAL PRODUCT: Students will be expected to turn in the Researching a Company worksheet as well as print each page of their Tracking a Stock Excel file. Students will then be expected to create a presentation for the class outlining the progress of each stock in their portfolio and their evaluation of the selected portfolio. Students will be required to present their project to the class using the web 2.0 tool of their choice. Presentations will be assessed using the included Stock Market Presentation Rubric. LIBRARY LESSON(S): Students will learn how to use appropriate technology to find information on the World Wide Web. As information related to capital markets transactions is ever changing it will be important for students to find the current information related to the stocks from reliable sources. Students will be introduced to the tracking stocks pathfinder at to aid in their search. Students will also be introduced to the spreadsheet software excel to track the stocks that they choose. Finally, instruction will be given on how to appropriately use a web 2.0 tool to present information. ASSESSMENT Product 1. The student will use the Researching A Company Worksheet (Attachment 1) to indicate which stocks they will be tracking. 2. The student will then create a portfolio using the Tracking A Stock excel spreadsheet (Attachment 2) and use the fields to track the selected stocks. 3. Students will then use the Tracking a Stock Rubric (Attachment 3) in order to create a presentation using a web 2.0 tool and develop a 3-5 minute oral presentation about their project. Process 1. Students will research and fill in the technical fields in Attachment A to help establish why a companys stock is investment worthy. 2. Students will track the progress of the stock using the pathfinder in conjunction with Attachment 2 in order to determine how the stock price changed and what happened to the overall portfolio over the course of the project. 3. The teacher and SLMS will use Attachments 1 and 2 to determine if students were able to find various technical data related to stocks. The teacher and SLMS will use Attachment

Hornyak 4 3 in order to assess the student presentations and corresponding web 2.0 tool web page in order to award a final grade for the project. Student self-questioning 1. What do I already know or think I know about this topic? 2. What are all the sources that might be used? 3. What background information would help me get an overview of my topic so that I can ask good questions? 4. What is my plan for research? 5. How do I evaluate the information that I find? 6. What decisions or conclusions have I drawn, and how are they supported by the evidence? 7. How do these understandings apply to other situations or contents? INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Resources students will use: Online subscription database(s) Web sites Books Nonprint Periodicals/newspapers Other (list): Reference

Instruction/activities o Direct instruction: The media specialist will begin the lesson by reviewing the information presented in class regarding capital markets and purchasing stocks. He will then explain to the students that this project is centered on selecting and researching stocks for a small portfolio. Students will need to select three stocks that they want to research and will use diverse sources to find information relating to the general business and financial history of the company. The stock price of these companies will be tracked for three weeks after which students will produce and deliver a presentation about their results. The media specialist will direct students to the project pathfinder located at After walking through the pathfinder with students, the media specialist will help students investigate the web 2.0 tools mentioned in the pathfinder. Students will be asked to select a web 2.0 tool to explore and report to a neighbor on the features and ease of use. Students will then select a web 2.0 of their choice to develop and deliver a presentation based on their stock portfolio. o Modeling and guided practice: The media specialist will have students log on to their computer workstations and follow along as he walks through the steps for accessing the pathfinder at He will then walk through the pathfinder exploring each tab and explaining how the resources located in the pathfinder can direct students to particular resources and will help them develop ideas to guide further independent research. Students will then select five stocks and will use the Researching a Stock worksheet (Attachment 1) to help organize their research and to assess progress on completion of the project. The media specialist will be shown how to enter the stock price of three companies selected into the Tracking a Stock excel spreadsheet (Attachment 2). A week later the group rejoins and the media specialist explains to students how to develop a presentation using the data collected earlier from their research. Presentation

Hornyak 5 instruction will include the use of web 2.0 tools and the media specialist will walk through the pathfinder as an example of appropriate web 2.0 tool use. The media specialist will then explain the specific requirements for the presentation and introduce the rubric (Attachment 3). o Independent practice: Students will then conduct research in the computer lab using the resources found in the pathfinder to learn more about stocks, research the five companies they have chosen, and ideas on summarizing that information into a presentation. Students will also use the Tracking a Stock excel spreadsheet (Attachment 2) to track the stock price of the three stocks periodically over a two week period. The student will update and analyze the excel spreadsheet and develop a presentation using a web 2.0 tool of their choice. o Sharing and reflecting: Students will be required to develop and deliver a three to five minute presentation to the class on the stocks they chose for their portfolio. The presentation will include: why the student chose the stocks they did, information about their investments including how the stock performed over the two week period and the final outcome of the portfolio. Students are then asked to reflect on what they liked about their investments and also asked if they would change anything if they had to do it all over again. Their presentation must be uploaded to a web 2.0 tool of their choice. They are able to choose from the ones listed on the pathfinder or find one on their own. REFLECTION I was very excited about starting this project with Mr. Jarrell. We both were familiar with the virtual stock exchange and had used the stock market game in our classes before. I was excited to find that the project would bring our content areas together. The first day I immediately became nervous because these werent my students. I knew that Mr. Jarrell had already taught the unit on investments and that the students would be prepared to start the project. I quickly became comfortable as students were open to the initial remarks about the project and had several meaningful questions about the assignment. I directed them to the pathfinder and allowed students time to explore the pathfinder and talk among themselves about the resources they were able to uncover using the links they found in the pathfinder. This very first day there were students that had problems hitting dead ends during their online searches. Students would find a relevant site and begin researching until they could go no further or ran out of relevant information. I spent a great deal of time the first day going through what information was relevant and how to start over on a search if they became bogged down in all of the technical stock data. The second time we met we walked through the process of tracking a stock using the excel spreadsheet. I found that students had varying levels of skill using the software. Some students quickly entered their data into the spreadsheet and were able to even adapt the pre-filled formulas with more complex ones to accommodate different metric points they wanted to analyze for their final presentation. I realized that I should have added to the pathfinder resources for working with excel as this was a part of the project some students had marked difficulty with. I did find that most of the students were willing to help out their classmates navigate excel and working in the computer lab helped to spawn collaboration that was not expected but was great to see.

Hornyak 6 We also found that students were not familiar with web 2.0 tools. The pathfinder really helped students find ways to share the information they collected in a meaningful and personalized way. I encouraged the students to check out at least two web 2.0 tools, one from the pathfinder and one they found themselves. I found that allowing students to present their information in their own creative way really sparked interest in the project. Working with Mr. Jarrell was a great experience. I did find it difficult at times to act just as the media specialist. After our second trip to the computer lab, though I was enjoying taking a break from content and really getting involved in explaining the technology and web 2.0 tools available to the students. I enjoyed seeing the students perform research and experiment and then share with each other about their findings. Mr. Jarrell took a lead in making sure students were getting the content level questions answered while I focused on the information literacy aspects of the project. I really felt that we collaborated well together and the students, I believe, benefited from us both focusing on different roles but working toward the same goal. As with most planned activities, something always comes up and this project was no exception. We had to reschedule our time in one of the labs and it pushed back our final presentation date to March 30. It did give me time to show the students other resources and some advanced search features of Google finance that I wanted to highlight. Students used a variety of sites to present the information they gathered. Every student produced a presentation using appropriate web 2.0 tools. Some students had never used any of these resources, not even social networks. Mr. Jarrell and I saw presentations ranging from a few pages on to a student that developed a full-blown live website that tracked his portfolio with changing prices every 30 seconds, etc. I really liked that we adjusted the project to allow students to use web 2.0 tools. Students were very open to trying them out and some students even found tools that I wasnt aware of. In the end, even with the glitches, I found that students walked away with meaningful understandings and new tools to use in their future academic endeavors.

Hornyak 7 (Attachment 1) Researching a Company Worksheet Directions: Choose five stocks and research the following information for each company chosen. Information can be found on the lesson pathfinder at: to aid in your research of the selected companies. After researching the companies using the pathfinder, determine the top three companies you would like to invest $1,000 into for your portfolio. You will then track those companies for two weeks. Company 1 Company Name & Ticker Symbol Industry Book Value Price/Earnings Ratio Dividends Earnings Per Share Beta Current Stock Price Stock Classification Company 2 Company Name & Ticker Symbol Industry Book Value Price/Earnings Ratio Dividends Earnings Per Share Beta Current Stock Price Stock Classification Company 3 Company Name & Ticker Symbol Industry Book Value Price/Earnings Ratio Dividends Earnings Per Share Beta Current Stock Price Stock Classification

Hornyak 8 (Attachment 1) Company 4 Company Name & Ticker Symbol Industry Book Value Price/Earnings Ratio Dividends Earnings Per Share Beta Current Stock Price Stock Classification Company 5 Company Name & Ticker Symbol Industry Book Value Price/Earnings Ratio Dividends Earnings Per Share Beta Current Stock Price Stock Classification What are the top three companies you have chosen for your portfolio? Company Name Number of Shares Market Price Total Cost Purchased

Total Cost (should be approximately $3,000) Write a short summary on why you chose to invest into the stocks you did. Is it because the stocks have been in the news, you enjoy the products, you like the industry, you feel the companies have potential for the future, etc.

(adapted from the University of Arizonas FEFE program,

Hornyak 9 (Attachment 2) Tracking a Stock Spreadsheet Company Name Symbol: Exchange: Ticket Symbol Exchange Stock Sold On

Initial Investment Date of Transaction Date of Initial Transaction Daily Record Date of Transaction Dates

$/Share Cost

# Shares Number of Shares

Initial Investment #VALUE!


# Shares

Current Value $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ -


Hornyak 10 (Attachment 3) Stock Market Presentation Rubric Name: _________________________________________________ Date _________ Directions: Share the information gathered using an appropriate web 2.0 tool discussed on the pathfinder or one of your own choosing. You will deliver an oral presentation as well as you walk us through your online presentation which should be 3-5 minutes in length and include: 1. Why you chose the stocks you did? a. Because you enjoy the companies products, the stocks are all in the same industry, they create a diversified portfolio, etc. 2. Information from the initial investment. a. How many shares were purchased at what market price for each stock? 3. A brief overview of each stock included in the portfolio highlighting each of the nine areas researched. 4. Final outcome of the portfolio. a. How did each stock perform, did you lose or earn money, what was the total outcome, etc. 5. What did you like about your stock selections? Is there anything you would change? Unacceptable Rating Information 1 Students discuss 85% or fewer of the required elements listed above. Student is not prepared to present. Student was vague and brief when explaining the slides. There is little creativity and/or many of the pages are difficult to read. Presentation was more than one minute too short or long. Acceptable 3 Students discuss 85-1005 of the required elements above. Student seemed prepared and explained each slide; however, was sometimes vague on the details. Most pages are creatively designed using color and animation and are easy to read. Presentation was one minute too short or long. Target 3 Students cover 100% of the required elements above. Student is clearly prepared and thoroughly explained each slide leaving the class with a clear understanding. The pages are creatively designed using color and animation. They are easy to read. Presentation was 3-5 minutes in length. Your Score/Comments

Effectiveness of Presentation

Quality of web 2.0 tool


(adapted from the University of Arizonas FEFE program,

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