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1. No establishing shot of a market or anything and he is just selling on a table. This suggests that he shouldnt really be doing it in that place. 2

2. Straight away the first shot is of a man with people surrounding him; the camera is zooming in closer to his face. The director does this because he is trying to draw the .audiences attention to this man as he is a main character. 3

3. His Mise-en-scene portrays a conman. He is a skinhead, follows the clich of a sort of rough man. Also the way he is selling and showing his goods, like a conman.

4. The crowd shots and point of view gives you the feeling that youre actually in the crowd. 5

5. Police is a step behind them. Director may have done this to show that these people are craft and cunning. 6

6. This close up shot of a man looking around adds curiosity to the audience. It makes you ask your self things such as why is he looking around. Possibly a watch out for cops?

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