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Accutane lawsuit is for you is you are suffering from side effect of Accutane disease cause by.

This Accutane is used to remove acne from face but due to lots of side effect this medicine is quite prescribe by doctor due to many people become victim of this medicine. This medicine is made by Hoffman La Roche with isotretinion which has serious injuries problem after taking it. Millions of people are slaves of disease due to long time use of this drug.The side effect of this medicine are inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative Colitis, crohns disease, birth death, eye vision problem, eye dry , lips become dry, oil from your body will decrease, increase the quantity of Vitamin A in your body, skin become sensitive you may also do suicide with more use of this medicine. If you are still suffering from this disease contact accutane lawsuite website with lawyer he will help you out from this disease.

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