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Citrix Linux Client Setup 1. Install basic RHEL4. a. Minimum requirements X, gcc, firefox b. X resolution 1024x768x24bit 2.

2. create user citrix a. edit ~citrix/.bash_profile. Add to the end: 3. install citrix client ( 4. Mount ICA share from watt a. Create /mnt/ica b. Add to /etc/fstab : 5. Setup autologin a. create autologin.c b. compile c. copy to /usr/local/sbin/ d. edit /etc/inittab 6. edit /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients Only line should be: 7. Create /usr/local/bin/pause (chmod 755) b. Run (as citrix) /usr/lib/ICAclient/wfcgr m

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