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Unit 2 Verbs Modal Modal Verbs

Esta tarefa dever ser realizada individualmente.

Como fazer:

Critrios de Avaliao:

Este trabalho voluntrio, como tal, a sua realizao ser considerada como trabalho pessoal. Ters de apresent-lo tua professora de forma a ser contabilizado na tua avaliao.


Subject +Modal (aux.verb) + Verb infinitive (without TO) Mary can type very fast.

Can/Could/Cant/cannot/Couldnt I CAN SWIM! Can I come in, please? He could run very fast. He could use your phone. I cant speak German. I couldnt understand the exercise. Capacity , ability Asking for permission Past capacity Possibility Ability/capacity Capacity

Note: Read carefully and try to make your own example sentences.

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We could go to the cinema You could do some exercises

Suggestion Suggestion / Advice

May/Might/may not/mightnt May I come in? He may arrive today. He might be late. He may not arrive on time. Permission (polite) Possibility Possibility Possibility Should You should study more. You shouldnt smoke. You should watch this film. A piece of advice A piece of advice Strong suggestion

Must/mustnt You must do your homework. You mustnt speak in classes. You must watch the film! You mustnt miss the film.
Note: Read carefully and try to make your own example sentence

Obligation Prohibition strong advice strong advice/suggestion

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HAVE TO/dont have to Subject + have to + Verb I have to study for the test. We dont have to buy her a present. Obligation Option

You can now use these sites to practice and check your answers. webpark romodal.html

Note: Click the right mouse button and select open hyperlink.

Note: Read carefully and try to make your own example sentence

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