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Eglish Olympic 15 I. Find the correct answer of the questions. 1. She is ... (takut) of mice. 2. The car is ...

(dibelakang) of the bus. 3. The bird is flying ... (di atas) the trees. 4. The train went ... (melalui) the tunnel. 5. The pond is ... (dangkal). 6. I ... (mengepel) the floor everyday. 7. My father is wearing a ... (jas). 8. The man is bringing the ... (rantai). 9. My mom is wearing a ...(necklace). 10. The street is ... (lebar). 11. The lake is ... (deep). 12. The earth goes ...(mengelilingi) the sun. 13.The boy hides ... (dibawah) the tree. 14. The girl ... (menyapu) the yard. 15. Agus wears a ... (dasi) on his neck. 16. A billy-goat has ... (tanduk) on its head. 17. The thief is ... (bersembunyi) behind the tree. 18. A rat has a ...(panjang) tail. 19. The man is stealing ... (uang) in the house. 20. The woman is ... (tidur) on the bed. II. Find the synonym of the words. 1. missing check 2. examine lost 3. fair make 4. flesh fine 5. bulid meat 6. beach plates 7. smart scared 8. afraid quiet 9. dishes seaside 10. silent cever III. Choose the correct answer. Carpenter butcher florist farmer nurse Shepherd judge pilot s soldier sailor 1. A ... looks after sick people. 2. A ... is one who decides whether someone is guilty or inoccent. 3. A ... makes furniture. 4. A ... works on a ship.rows vegetables on his 5. The ... grows vegetables on his farm. 6. A ... sells meat in a market. 7. We buy flowers from the ... 8. A ... flies an aeroplane. 9. A ... fights in the war.

10. The ... is looking after a flock of sheep. IV. Answer the questions correctly. 1. A monkey ... (berayun) from tree to tree. 2. A tortoise has a ... (cangkang) on its back. 3. The people are ... (menunggu) for the bus. 4. I drink soup with a ... (sendok). 5. The aerop[lane is flying above the ... (mendung) 6. The little girl is picking the ... (bunga kuning) 7. The teacher is angry with the ...(nakal) student. 8. Jenny uses a brush to ... (menggosok) the floor. 9. This is a ... (kotak). 10. Can you play the ... (biola)? V. Answer the questions correctly. 1. The ... (sarung tangan) are too big for his hand. 2. The policeman is (mengejar) ... the thief. 3. There are twelve ... in a year. 4. We ... the windows when it rains. 5. They went to the ... to have lunch. 6. You eat when you are ... 7. David took many ... with his new camera. 8. His house was .. (terbakar) down last night. 9. ... are found in the desert. 10. We cannot cross the river here. There is no ... (jembatan). VI. Give the plural of the words below. 1. mouse = 2. deer = 3. torch = 4. duck= 5. story= 6. thief= 7. woman= 8. finger= 9. glass= 10. foot= Find the opposite meaning of the words. 1. friend love 2. buy talk 3. night enemy 4. listen die 5. finish sell 6. false young 7. live day 8. hate laugh

9. cry 10. old

start true

8. We ... (akan melompat) soon. 9. They ... (akan datang) tonight. 10. He ... (bagun) at 5 everyday. X. Answer the questions correctly. 1. A fish uses its ... (sirip) to swim. 2. Everyone likes sally because she is very ... (sopan). 3. The sun ... (terbit) in the east. 4. The sun ... (tenggelam) in the west. 5. There are eleven ... (pemain) in football. 6. Can you ... up to ten? 7. A caterpillar feeds on ... 8. Who ... (tahu) the answer to this question? 9. Mrs. Lane uses a string to ... (mengikat) the parcel. 10. We are going to buy ... (hadiah ultah). 11. My house is ... (dekat) the park. 12. The man ... (membunuh) the dangerous snake. 13. I ... (memikirkan) about my career. 14. They ... (minum obat) everyday. 15. The chef is ... (memasak) now. 16. The actress ... (menyanyikan) a song. 17. The ... (serangga) is dangerous. 18. I will ... (menghadiri) the party. 19. The buy ... (daging) in the butcher. 20. Teddy ... (berbicara) English. XI. Answer the questions correctly. 1. sayap= 2. kasar= 3. pelanggan= 4. aktor= 5. pemenang= 6. menghitung= 7. doskon= 8. harimau= 9. kambing= 10. rusa= 11.memulai= 12. selesai= 13. lelah= 14. sulit= 15. mudah= 16. mulus= 17. salah= 18. kecil= 19. pendek= 20. bodoh= 21. buta=

VII. Answer the questions correctly. 1. The robbers are wearing ... (topeng) 2. The boys are setting up ... (tenda) 3. She is wearing a ... (syal) around her neck. 4. The shape is ... (lonjong). 5. Bees live in a ... (sarang lebah) 6. Mr. James has two ... (anak) 7. The ... are chasing the thief. 8. This is a box of ...(korek api) 9. Rabbit s like to to eat ... (wortel) 10. The girl is ... (berlutut) Find the correct answer. Barber tailor cobbler grocer postman Gardener salesman waiter actor principle 1. A ... is in charge of a school. 2. Who is the ... in the film. 3. The ... will bring us our food. 4. The ... keeps our garden clean and beautiful. 5. I went to the ... to buy butter, eggs and jam. 6. I went to the ... to make a new shirt. 7. The ... brings us our letters. 8. Andy went to the ... to cut his hair. 9. A ... mends our shoes. 10. The ... sold me a new watch. VIII. Answer the questions correctly. 1. Hot water is kept in a ... (termos) 2. She is looking at herself in the ... (cermin) 3. Alex is holding a ... (balon) 4. The policeman wears a cap and ... (seragam). 5. This is a ... (segi tiga) 6. My ... (sepupu) went to the market. 7. Alex won first ... (tempat) in the race. 8. She plays the ... (seruling) well. 9. He ... (merangkai) the flowers. 10. The moon is ... (bulat). IX. Answer the questions correctly 1. The students... (akan menari) on the stage. 2. She ... (akan bekerja) in the shop later. 3. Dina ... (sedang mendengarkan) to the radio 4. Talita ... (sedang mandi) now. 5. We ... (tidur) at nine last night. 6. Ali ... (makan pagi) at 6 everyday. 7. Toni ... (telah membaca) for an hour.

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