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PURPOSE CLAUSE In order to, so that, so as to, to UT: positive NE: negative IMPERFECTIVE o Present, impf: intention from standpoint in present or future (I _, I will _, I have _ed SO THAT he MAY BE ___) o Past, impf: intention from standpoint in the past (I was __ing, __ed SO THAT he MIGHT BE ___)

RESULT CLAUSE (S) (V) so ___ that Outcome or consequence of main clause verb UT: positive and negative Non, nemo, nullus, numquam: negative (NOT NE!) Raises expectation of result clause: o Adeo so, to such an extent o Ita so (in such a way) o Sic so (in such a way) o Tam so

o o o o

Talis, tale of such a sort Tantus, -a, -um so great Tot so many Totiens so often

CUM C L A U S E Cum as prep + abl o with, in company with o Introduces prep phrase Cum as clause mrkr o Introduces two types of dep. clauses: TEMPORAL and CIRCUMSTANTIAL TEMPORAL: indicative verb CIRCUMSTANTIAL: subjunctive verb (when, because, although signalled by tamen)

D UM C L A U S E Indicative OR subjunctive Indicative o While, as long as Subjunctive o Provided that (clause of proviso): usually with present impf. subj. negated by NE o Until

CHARACTERISTIC AND PURPOSE CLAUSE Indicative: the (specific/real) soldiers who are brave Subjunctive: the (general type of) soldiers who are brave Look for words like QUI


INDIRECT QUESTION: Finite noun clause functions as S or DO of kernel Form: dependent (embedded in main clause) Interrogative Verb in subjunctive Governing verb (main clause verb): asking, saying, telling

INDIRECT COMMAND Finite noun clause functions as S or DO of kernel Commands (embedded in main clause) ut/uti (+) and ne (-) Verb in subjunctive: IMPERFECTIVE Governing verb (main clause verb): ordering/urging, wishing/wanting, allowing, resolving/deciding May contain personal noun/pronoun in acc. or dat. who command is given to Translation: Infinitive for Latin subjunctive that should V

NOUN RESULT CLAUSES Function: DO ut/uti or non (-) within ut clause Verb in subjunctive Governing verb or expression with bring about, happen, come about (efficio, fit, accidit)

CLAUSES OF FEARING Follows verb or expression of fear ne lest or ne non/ut lest not Verb in subjunctive

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