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Mangos Guide to Financial Management for NGOs

Project: Budget Period: Budget Currency: Total Budget:

All figures in USD

Hargeisa schools development project 1st March 2004 - 28th February 2005 US Dollars 197,495
Unit Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost 88,600 9,600 24,000 10,800 2,400 2,000 5,400 2,800 2,800 4,200 9,000 6,000 3,000 6,600 17,110 1,200 7,200 2,400 720 2,400 360 830 1,500 500 Notes

A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 B B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 C C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

Staff Costs Programme Manager (PM) Education Manager (EM) Office Manager (OM) Accountant Recruitment costs School outreach officer 1 School outreach officer 2 School outreach officer 3 Office assistant Drivers Guards Cleaner Medical costs Programme Administration Stationery Phone/fax E-mail Courier Office rent Electricity Bank charges Audit Books, manuals, publications Other Local Transport Fuel Vehicle maintenance Vehicle insurance Nairobi local transport Other

Month Month Month Month Unit Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Person Month

800 2,000 900 2,400 2,000 450 450 450 350 250 250 250 50

12 12 12 1 1 12 12 12 12 36 24 12 132

Grade 12; spending 33% of her time on this project. Grade 11 Grade 10; spending 50% of his time on this project. One visit from UK in March (to set up systems) For new Education Manager Hargeisa Grade B Hargeisa Grade B Hargeisa Grade B Hargeisa Grade C 3 drivers, each on Hargeisa grade D 2 guards for the office, each on Hargeisa grade D 1 cleaner, on Hargeisa grade D expected cost: $50 per national staff member (11 in total) per month


Month Month Month Month Month Month Transfer Item Lumpsum

100 600 200 30 200 30 83 1,500 500

12 12 12 24 12 12 10 1 1

Estimate, based on past costs. Estimate, based on past costs. Estimate, based on past costs. Estimate, based on fortnightly pouch to Dar Estimate, based on past costs. Estimate, based on past costs. 50 (=$83) per 10,000 transfer, on ~$158k (=96k) of expected field based expenditure 50% of audit fee paid by this project Estimate

Vehicle Month Vehicle Month Vehicle Year PersonDay

150 50 300 6

36 36 12 30

10,980 5,400 1,800 3,600 180 -

$150 fuel per project vehicle p.m. $ 50 maintenance per project vehicle p.m. Annual insurance for each vehicle For trips by PM, EM and OM (assumed 2 during the year, 5 days each).

Mango 2005 Charity No.: 1081406

Mangos Guide to Financial Management for NGOs

All figures in USD D D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 E E1 E2 E3 F F1 F2 F3 Z Capital Equipment Computer hardware (inc. printer) Photocopier Fax Office furniture/equipment 4WD Vehicles Other Training Training materials Workshop costs Other Materials Development Design work Reproduction Other Contingency TOTAL


Unit Cost






Total Cost 58,000 8,000 50,000 -


For new EM and School Outreach Officers Already available in Hargeisa office Already available in Hargeisa office Already available in Hargeisa office 2 new vehicles to be bought; one already available in Hargeisa office

Workshop Workshop

200 500

12 12

8,400 2,400 Stationery, reproduction etc. for monthly workshop 6,000 Venue, food, transport etc of participants at monthly workshop 5,000 2,000 Professional design for two manuals to be produced. 3,000 Reproduction of two manuals. 9,405 5% of total budget up to this line. 197,495

Manual Unit

1,000 1,500

2 2

Mango 2005 Charity No.: 1081406

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