Grammar Challenge: BBC Learning English

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BBC Learning English Grammar Challenge

Catherine's Grammar Explanation: Pronunciation of Question Tags

Catherine: Hi Giovanni! The language was exactly the same in both sentences, but the pronunciation is different, and this changes the meaning of the sentence. In the first one, the speaker's voice goes up. Listen to Hina: Hina: He's a teacher, isn't he?
British Broadcasting Corporation 2007

When she says 'isn't he?' with her voice going up, this means that she really doesn't know the answer to the question, and she wants the listener to tell her. Listen again: Hina: He's a teacher, isn't he?

In the second one, the speaker's voice goes down when she says the question tag. Here it is: Hina: He's a teacher, isn't he?

When she says 'isnt he' with her voice going down, she actually knows the answer to the question. Now you might think thats a bit strange: if she knows the answer, why does she ask the question? Well, it's a way of keeping the conversation going, or, she might just be checking that what she thinks is correct. She's expecting the listener to agree with what she said. Listen again: Hina: He's a teacher, isn't he?

So, your voice goes up when you're asking a real question, and down when you're Grammar Challenge BBC Learning English Page 1 of 2

BBC Learning English Grammar Challenge

checking information or just making conversation. That's all from me, good luck with your grammar challenge!
British Broadcasting Corporation 2007

Grammar Challenge

BBC Learning English Page 2 of 2

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