Year Nine: Week 4, Lesson 1

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TEACHER PREPERATION Gender in Shakespeare (male perspective) Male characters for homework TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES Take the role Write on the board information about gender in Shakespearean male characteristics Compare women and men in Shakespeare. Hand out a name of a male character and the play they are from. Students are to research the character as homework and decide which characteristic does he represent Conclusion: Shakespeare was still gender biased, however for the time he was letting female characters do things that would not happen within the world at the time. ORGANISATION Whole class Whole class RESOURCES NEEDED Class Roll White Board

TIMING 2mins 30mins


Whole class Discussion Whole class Names of male characters



Whole Class


NOTES: the Herculean Hero, a warrior of great stature who is guilty of striking departures from the morality of the society in which he lives. Unlike the chivalrous knight, the herculean hero behaves according to a code of ethics all of his own Achilles from Troilus and Cressida Antony from Antony and Cleopatra Caius Martius from Coriolanus the Humanist Man or Moderation it is the combination of nobility, honesty, gentleness, honour and virtue that makes this man stand out. The humanist Man possesses a tempering of masculine traits, an equanimity of

spirit that enables him to be wise and confident when challenges are presented to him. This man is often involved in politics. Brutus from Julius Caesar the Merchant Prince Not everyone can be a King, but every man can be the king of his own house. These men are good, honest and lawful but do not hold official ranks. However during the course of the play Shakespeare is sure to leave their exact social status ambiguous. Master George Page from The Merry Wives of Widsor Master Frank Ford from The Merry Wives of Widsor Baptista from Taming of the Shrew Petruccio from Taming of the Shrew Lucentio from Taming of the Shrew THE SAUCY JACK. The saucy jack is resourceful but suave, calculating but ingratiating, resolute but jaunty. He normally seems well read, but it is more likely he has never read a book in his life. While other men might rely on honour, the saucy jack will win the day with his wit. Tranio from The Taming of the Shrew Bottom from A Midsummer Nights Dream Lancelot Gobbo from The Merchant of Venice Autolycus from The Winters Tale

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