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Mythological Background in Literature

Religion and Greek society

Origins Originally Greeks viewed their gods as elemental forces:

Zeus- God of the sky Hera God of the earth

Later on
As Greek culture developed, Greeks viewed their gods as more human by taking on human character traits or emotions: Athena Stands for wisdom and moderation Aphrodite - Goddess of love

Later on
As Greek culture developed, Greeks viewed their gods as more human by taking on human character traits or emotions: Athena Stands for wisdom and moderation Aphrodite - Goddess of love

On a side note
In the most famous version of her myth, Aphrodites birth was the consequence of a castration: Cronus severed Uranus' genitals and threw them behind him into the sea. The foam from his genitals gave rise to Aphrodite (hence her name, meaning "foam-arisen")

Contrasting character traits

Gods did not always have positive moral traitsthey were often mischievous and sexual: Zeus - the womaniser Poseidon - the rapist

View of the gods

Gods were viewed out of fear of divine retribution. That meant to displease them or ignore them would result in their wrath. Can you think of an example from the myths we have studied so far?

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