Lundhild-Understanding RAC Internals

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Understanding RAC Internals

Barb Lundhild Oracle Corporation RAC Product Management

The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracles products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

1. What are the major components of Oracle Clusterware and how do they interact? 2. Why does Oracle reboot nodes? 3. How does Oracle handle private interconnect failure and scalability? 4. When my public network fails, why does ASM and the db instance get shut down? 5. What exactly is the VIP, its purpose, and how does it work? 6. What is the purpose of ONS is it required for anything other than FAN? 7. How does Oracle do load balancing across RAC instances?

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What are the major components of Oracle Clusterware and how do they interact?

RAC 10 Architecture
public network


VIP1 Service Listener instance 1 ASM

VIPn Service Listener instance n ASM

Node n

cluster Oracle Clusterware interconnect Oracle Clusterware

Operating System

Operating System

shared storage

Managed by ASM RAW Devices

Redo / Archive logs all instances Database / Control files OCR and Voting Disks

What does Clusterware provide?


Event Management High Availability Framework Process Monitor Group Membership

Operating System


Oracle Clusterware 10 Architecture


EVM RACG Oracle Clusterware CRS OPROC CSS

Operating System

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Why does Oracle Clusterware reboot nodes?

Oracle Clusterware

Group Membership and Heartbeats

Cluster needs to know who is a member at all times Oracle Clusterware has 2 heartbeats:
Network heartbeat and Disk heartbeat

If a node does not send a network heartbeat for <MissCount> (time in seconds), then node is evicted from cluster If disk heartbeat (voting disk) is not updated in <I/O timeout>, then node is evicted from cluster

Heartbeat Failures
Network Heartbeat

node(4) missed(59) checkin(s) >2005-06-18 08:14:37.858 [3002575792] >WARNING: clssnmPollingThread: Eviction started for node 4,flags 0x000d, >state 3, wt4c 0 >2005-06-18 08:14:41.985 [3047074736] >TRACE: clssnmHandleSync: CSSD]2005-10-11 15:56:23.668 [93645744] >WARNING: clssnmDiskPMT: long disk latency >(45940 ms) to voting disk (0//dev/raw/raw1)

Disk Heartbeat

Oracle Clusterware
Split Brain Resolution
Split Brain Resolution:
Determine surviving subcluster Sub-cluster with largest number of Nodes Sub-cluster with lowest node number IO Fencing via Stonith algorithm (remote power reset)

Voting disk is used to detect and resolve network problems that could lead to a split-brain
Final arbiter of the status of configured nodes, either up or down, and delivers eviction notices Recommended to have at least 3 voting disks Multiple voting disks supported in RAC 10g Release 2 Dynamic addition of voting disk RAC 11g

Oracle Clusterware Disk Heartbeat

Disktimeout: maximum time (s) for voting file I/O to complete.
10g Release 1 and I/O timeout was directly related to MissCount. I.E. MissCount governed sensitivity of both heartbeats more granular sensitivity via separation of network and disk heartbeats Disktimeout parameter set for CSS, default = 200s Tune disktimeout for the Voting Disk storage solution be careful - some multipathing solutions require high disktimeout values

Changing MissCount
Default varies somewhat by platform (30s or 60s) Default = 600s if vendor clusterware is installed

It should not be necessary to tune Disktimeout

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How does Oracle handle private interconnect failure and scalability?

Private Interconnect
public network

Node 2
VIPn Service Listener instance n ASM
Oracle Clusterware


VIP1 Service Listener instance 1 ASM

Oracle Clusterware

VIP2 Service Listener instance 2 ASM

Oracle Clusterware

Node n

Operating System

Operating System

Operating System

Switch 1
cluster interconnect

Switch 2

Private Interconnect
Network between the nodes of a RAC cluster MUST be private Supported links: GbE, IB ( IPoIB: 10.2 ) Supported transport protocols:
Oracle Clusterware uses TCP RAC: UDP, RDS (

Use multiple or dual-ported NICs for redundancy and increase bandwidth with NIC bonding Large ( Jumbo ) Frames for GbE recommended

Interconnect Bandwidth
Bandwidth requirements depend on
CPU power per cluster node Application-driven data access frequency Number of nodes and size of the working set Data distribution between PQ slaves 10000-12000 8K blocks per sec to saturate 1 x Gb Ethernet ( 75-80% of theoretical bandwidth )

Typical utilization approx. 10-30% in OLTP Multiple NICs generally not required for performance and scalability

IPC configuration
Socket receive buffers ( 256 KB 1MB ) Negotiated top bit rate and full duplex mode NIC ring buffers Ethernet flow control settings CPU(s) receiving network interrupts

Verify your setup:

CVU does checking Load testing eliminates potential for problems

Interconnect Bonding
Terminology: NIC Bonding, link aggregation, port trunking, NIC teaming, Multiple physical links combined into a single logical link
Provides redundancy and/or scalability

Logical link is provided to Oracle Clusterware and RAC Most operate at OSI Layer 2 Different implementations on different platforms
Read the fine print Generally recommend failover only (active/passive) configuration

Interconnect Bonding
Some cluster managers provide support for multiple interconnects
Not required with Oracle Clusterware

OS-Specific bonding
Solaris: IPMP, Sun Trunking AIX: etherchannel HP-UX: APA Linux: NIC Bonding Windows: NIC Teaming IB drivers inherently support failover and load balancing.


Interconnect Configuration

SQL> select * from x$ksxpia; ADDR INDX INST_ID P PICK NAME_KSXPIA IP_KSXPIA -------- ---------- ---------- - ---- --------------- ------------58EC8340 0 1 Y OCR bond0

cluster_interconnects (init.ora for RAC)

Overrides clusterware setting Supports load balancing, not failover

Operating System Dependency

Block access latencies increase when CPU(s) busy and run queues are long Immediate LMS scheduling is critical for predictable block access latencies when CPU > 80% busy Fewer and busier LMS processes may be more efficient. i.e. monitor their CPU utilizaiion Real Time or fixed priority for LMS is supported
Implemented by default with 10.2 Do not put more instances than CPUs on a server


Misconfigured or Faulty Interconnect Can Cause:

Dropped packets/fragments Buffer overflows Packet reassembly failures or timeouts Ethernet Flow control kicks in TX/RX errors
lost blocks at the RDBMS level, responsible for 64% of escalations

Lost Blocks: NIC Receive Errors

Db_block_size = 8K
ifconfig a:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0B:DB:4B:A2:04 Bcast: MTU:1500 Mask: inet addr:



RX packets:21721236 errors:135 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:95 TX packets:273120 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0


Lost Blocks: IP Packet Reassembly Failures

netstat s Ip: 84884742 total packets received 1201 fragments dropped after timeout 3384 packet reassembles failed

Finding a Problem with the Interconnect or IPC

Top 5 Timed Events Avg %Total ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wait Call Event Waits Time(s)(ms) Time Wait Class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------log file sync gc buffer busy

286,038 177,315

49,872 29,021 5,703

174 164 52

41.7 24.3 4.8 4.1 3.9

Commit Cluster Cluster Cluster Other

gc cr block busy 110,348 gc cr block lost cr request retry

4,272 6,316

4,953 1159 4,668 739

Should never be here


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What are the startup/shutdown sequence and dependencies?

Node Startup Sequence

3 7 6 5 4 2 1
VIP1 Service Listener Instance 1 ASM
Oracle Clusterware

Operating System


Oracle Dependencies
Prior to
public network


VIP1 Service Listener instance 1 ASM

VIP2 Service Listener instance 2 ASM


cluster Oracle Clusterware interconnect Oracle Clusterware

Operating System

Operating System

shared storage

Managed by ASM RAW Devices

Redo / Archive logs all instances Database / Control files OCR and Voting Disks

Oracle Dependencies
Prior to
public network


VIP1 Service Listener instance 1 ASM

VIP1 VIP2 Service Listener instance 2 ASM


cluster Oracle Clusterware interconnect Oracle Clusterware

Operating System

Operating System

shared storage

Managed by ASM RAW Devices

Redo / Archive logs all instances Database / Control files OCR and Voting Disks


Oracle Dependencies
public network


VIP1 Service Listener instance 1 ASM

VIP2 Service Listener instance 2 ASM

Node 2

cluster Oracle Clusterware interconnect Oracle Clusterware

Operating System

Operating System

shared storage

Managed by ASM RAW Devices

Redo / Archive logs all instances Database / Control files OCR and Voting Disks

Oracle Dependencies
public network


VIP1 Service Listener instance 1 ASM

VIP1 VIP2 Service Listener instance 2 ASM

Node 2

cluster Oracle Clusterware interconnect Oracle Clusterware

Operating System

Operating System

shared storage

Managed by ASM RAW Devices

Redo / Archive logs all instances Database / Control files OCR and Voting Disks


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What exactly is the VIP, its purpose, and how does it work?

Why Oracle RAC 10g has a VIP?

Protects database clients from long TCP/IP timeouts (can be >10 minutes) During normal operation, works the same as hostname During failure, it removes network timeout from connection request time, client fails immediately to next address in the list =(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST= (LOAD_BALANCE=on)(FAILOVER=ON) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sales1-vip)(PORT=1521)) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sales2-vip)(PORT=1521))) (CONNECT_DATA= (


Oracle RAC 10g VIP

The Details! One for each node in cluster Required for Oracle Clusterware installation IP and network name should not currently be in use Should be registered in DNS and be on the same subnet as public IP address Can use OS bonding to provide failover and load balancing on network interfaces on the node Configuration managed by VIPCA Note that netmask defaults to, rather than defaulting to netmask of underlying physical interface.


Only accepts connections when on its home node Failure on home node: relocates to another node in the cluster only to send a error back to client (it will not be in the listener so it cannot accept connections!) You will only have one active RAC VIP per node (there may be others who have relocated due to failure!)
Independent of number of databases running in cluster


Oracle RAC 10g VIP

[root@pmrac1 root]# ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:12:79:D8:90:93 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:5070815 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:3064435 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:509963813 (486.3 Mb) TX bytes:3621223517 (3453.4 Mb) Interrupt:25 eth0:1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:12:79:D8:90:93 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:5762695 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:5679252 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:3400642002 (3243.1 Mb) TX bytes:3166774792 (3020.0 Mb) Interrupt:25



) )

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = pmrac1-vip)(PORT = 1521)(IP = FIRST))



Application VIPs
New resource in Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 Created as functional VIPs which can be used to connect to an application regardless of the node it is running on VIP is a dependent resource of the user registered application There can be many VIPs, one per User Application

Creating an Application VIP

The usrvip script must run as root
The default permissions need to be changed As root crs_setperm ApplicationVIP1 o root Allow oracle user to execute this script As root crs_setperm ApplicationVIP1 u user:oracle:r-x Start the VIP As oracle crs_start ApplicationVIP1


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What is the purpose of ONS is it required for anything other than FAN?

Oracle Notification Service (ONS)

Publish/Subscribe Messaging System Allows both local and remote consumption Used by Fast Application Notification (FAN) to publish HA Events and Load Balancing Events Used by FAN clients to subscribe to events Automatically installed and configured by the installation of Oracle Clusterware DO NOT TURN OFF Required by Oracle Clusterware and RAC


What is FAN?
Fast Application Notification (FAN) is a RAC notification mechanism FAN HA Events: Notification of Up/Down for service, instance & node Load Balancing Advisory Events: Advise clients of current load for service and where to send connection requests Enable it, and Forget it.

Fan Clients
HA Events: JDBC Implicit Connection Cache, OCI, ODP.NET Connection Pools, Listener, Server Side Callouts, CMAN Load Balancing Advisory Events: JDBC Implicit Connection Cache, ODP.NET Connection Pools, Listener, CMAN
New in RAC 11g OCI Session Pools subscribe to Load Balancing Advisory Events to provide Runtime Connection Load Balancing


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How does Oracle do load balancing across RAC instances?

Connection Load Balancing

Service OLTP? OLTP1 on N1
Application Server Network

OLTP2 on N2 OLTP3 on N3


RAC Database


Connection Load Balancing

Connection made to OLTP1
Listeners RAC Database
tw Ne ork


Connection Pools

How do you Load Balance?

c c c c c c cc c c c c
Application Connection Pool Real Application Clusters


Load Balancing Advisory

Load Balancing Advisory is an advisory for balancing work across RAC instances. Load Balances at the transaction level (not connections!) Directs work to where services are executing well and resources are available. Adjusts distribution for different power nodes, different priority and shape workloads, changing demand. Stops sending work to slow, hung, failed nodes early.

Load Balancing Advisory

Automatic Workload Repository Calculates goodness locally, forwards to master mmon Master mmon builds advisory for distribution of work Records advice to SYS$SERVICE_METRICS Posts FAN event to AQ, PMON, ONS


View LBA FAN Event

Runtime Connection Load Balancing

When application does getConnection, the connection given is the one that will provide the best service. Supported by Oracle JDBC and ODP.NET connection Pools (OCI Session Pools in RAC 11g!) Policy defined by setting GOAL on Service Need to have Connection Load Balancing


Load Balancing Advisory Enabled through Service Goal

THROUGHPUT Work requests are directed based on throughput .
used when the work in a service completes at homogenous rates. An example is a trading system where work requests are similar lengths.

SERVICE_TIME Work requests are directed based on response time.

used when the work in a service completes at various rates. An example is as internet shopping system where work requests are various lengths

None Default setting, turn off advisory

Fast Connection Failover

Fast and reliable high availability for connections in an Oracle Real Application Clusters 10g environment Enable it and forget it Application can make it transparent to user by trapping SQL Exception and retrying Supported by Oracle JDBC, OCI, and ODP.NET


FAN/FCF Client Integration

JDBC When DOWN signal received from RAC 10g
First pass: Connections are marked as down Second pass: Aborts and removes connections that are marked as down Routes new requests to surviving instances Throws exception if application was in midst of transaction

When UP signal received from RAC 10g

Creates new connections to new instances Distributes new work requests evenly to all available instances

Q & A



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For More Information



Useful Metalink Notes

Note 342082.1 How to Change Subnet Masks for VIPs Note 294430.1 CSS Timeout Computation in RAC 10g Note 284752.1 10g RAC: Steps To Increase CSS Misscount, Reboottime and Disktimeout Note 291962.1 Setting Up Bonding in SLES 9 Note 291958.1 Setting Up Bonding in Suse SLES8 Note 298891.1 Configuring Linux for the Oracle 10g VIP using bonding Note 283107.1 Configuring Solaris IP Multipathing (IPMP) for the Oracle 10g VIP

Workload Management with Oracle Real Application Clusters (FAN, FCF, Load Balancing) Using standard NFS to support a third voting disk on a stretch cluster configuration on Linux Using Oracle Clusterware to Protect 3rd Party Applications RAC Sample Code Page



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