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Oraes subordinadas condicionais

Os condicionais so oraes que expressam condies, hipteses e suposies, e so introduzidas por conjunes como if, provided that, providing, as long as e in case.

Zero conditional Usa-se o zero conditional para: Falar sobre verdades gerais, irrefutveis: present simple

If + sujeito + present simple

If you heat water, it boils.

Birds fly away if you let them free.

First conditional Usa-se o first conditional para falar sobre possibilidades presentes e futuras: If + sujeito + present simple future simple (will)

If she calls me up, I won't answer.

He will go to Canada if he is promoted.

If they are there, I will ask them to help me.

Second conditional Usa-se o second conditional para falar sobre situaes improvveis, impossveis (na mente de quem fala) e imaginrias:

If + sujeito + past simple

conditional (would)

If she were nice, I would invite her over.

If I had one million dollars, I wouldn't buy a boat. I wouldn't buy a boat if I had one million dollars. If I didn't have to study for the test, I would go there.

I would go there if I didn't have to study for the test.

If I were a doctor, I would help people.

Nota No second conditional, voc pode usar a forma passada were do verb to be para todas as pessoas, ou usar a conjugao habitual (I, he, she, it =>was / we, you, they => were)

Third conditional

Usa-se o third conditional para falar de fatos e situaes passadas hipotticas: If + sujeito + past perfect conditional perfect (would have + past

participle) If I had been there, I would have met him.

If her father hadn't shown up, she would have kissed me.

She would have kissed me if her father hadn't shown up.

If I hadn't been there, I wouldn't have had so much fun.

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