High Pass Filters, 2nd Order Filters, Active Filters, Resonances PDF

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Lecture 20 High Pass Filters, 2nd Order g , Filters, Active Filters, Resonances

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Series Resonance

Z s ( f ) = j 2fL + R j f

1 fC 2f

For resonance For reactance of the inductor and the capacitor cancel: the resonance :
1 1 2 2f 0 L = f0 = 2f 0 C (2 ) 2 LC 1 f0 = 2 LC
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Series Resonance
Quality factor QS
Qs = Substitute L = Qs = Reactance of inductance at resonance Resistance 2f 0 L R 1 1 from f 0 = 2 2 (2 ) ( f 0 ) C 2 LC 1 2f 0 CR

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Series Resonance
1 Z s ( f ) = R + j 2fL j 2fC = R 1 + 2fL 1 j R 2fRC f

2f 0 L f 1 = R 1 + j R f 0 (2 ) 2 ff 0 LC 2f 0 L 1 Substitute f 0 = and Qs = R 2 LC f f 0 Z s ( f ) = R 1 + jQs f f 0

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Series Resonance


2 1 + Qs

f0 f f0 f

f f0 Z s = Tan Qs f f 0

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Series Resonant Band-Pass Filter

Vs / R f f0 1 + jQs f f 0 Vs VR 1 VR = RI = = Vs f f f0 f0 1 + jQs 1 + jQs f f f f 0 0

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Vs = I= Zs ( f )

Series Resonant Band-Pass Filter

VR 1 = Vs 1 + jQs ( f f 0 f 0 f )

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Series Resonant Band-Pass Filter

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Series Resonant Band-Pass Filter

f0 B = fH fL = Qs
For QS>>1
B f L f0 2
fH B f0 + 2

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Example 6.6

f0 = Qs =

1 2 LC

1 2 (0.15926 H )(0.1592 x10 6 F )

= 1000 Hz

2f 0 L 2 (1000 Hz )(0.15926 H ) = = 10 100 R f 0 1000 Hz B= = = 100 Hz Qs 10 B f 0 + = 1000 Hz + 50 Hz = 1050 Hz 2 B f L f 0 = 1000 Hz 50 Hz = 950 Hz 2


ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Example 6.6

At resonance : Z L = j 2f 0 L = j 2 (1000 Hz )(0.1592 H ) = j1000 1 1 ZC = j =j = j1000 6 2f 0 C 2 (1000 Hz )(0.1592 x10 F ) Z s = R + Z L + Z C = 100

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Example 6.6

VS 10 o I= = = 0.010 o Zs 100 VR = RI = (100)(0.010 o ) = 10 o VL = Z L I = ( j1000)(0.010 ) = 1090

o o

VC = Z C I = ( j1000)(0.010 o ) = 10 90 o
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Example 6.6
VL = Qs Vs

VC = Qs Vs

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Parallel Resonance

1 Zp = (1 R ) + j 2fC j (1 2fL )
At resonance ZP is purely resistive:

j 2f 0 C = j (1 2f 0 L ) f 0 =

1 2 LC

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Parallel Resonance
Quality factor QP
Resistance QP Reactance of inductance at resonance R = 2f 0 L Substitute L = 1 (2 ) ( f 0 ) C
2 2

from f 0 =

1 2 LC

QP = 2f 0 CR
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Parallel Resonance
ZP = 1 = (1 R ) + j 2fC j (1 2fL ) R R 1 + j 2fRC j 2fL R R = f f 1 1 1 + jQP 2 2 f f 0 (2 ) f 0 fLC 0 (2 ) f 0 fLC

1 + j 2f 0 RC R = f f 0 1 + jQP f0 f

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Parallel Resonance


IR = IZ P = f f0 1 + jQP f f 0

Vout for constant current, varying the frequency

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Parallel Resonance

Find th h Fi d the phasor currents IR, IC and IL f t d for:

I = 10 3 0 o , R = 10k, L = 159.2 H , C = 159.2 pF R 10 4 f0 = = 1x10 Hz QP = = = 10 6 2f 0 L 2 (1x10 Hz )(159.2H ) 2 LC 1
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Parallel Resonance
Vout = IR = 10 0 (10 ) = 100
4 3 o o

Vout Vout 100 o = 4 = = 10 3 0 o IR = 4 R 10 10 Vout Vout 100 o IL = = = = 10 2 90 o ZL j 2f 0 L j10 3 Vout Vout 100 o IC = = = = 10 2 90 o j ZC j10 3 2f 0 C
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

I C = QP I

I L = QP I

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Ideal Filters

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Noise Rejection j

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Second Order Low-Pass Filter


j ZC 2fRC = Vin = Vin = Vin j Z R + Z L + ZC 2f 0 L f 1 R + j 2fL 1+ j f 2fC R 0 2ff 0 LC j jQS ( f / f 0 ) 2fRC = = H( f ) = f 2f 0 L f f 1 1 + jQS 0 1+ j f f R f 0 2ff 0 LC 0

j 2fC

Vout Vin

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Second-Order Low Pass Second Order Low-Pass Filter

Vo u t jQs ( f 0 f ) H(f )= i n = V 1 + jQs ( f f 0 f 0 f ) = Qs ( f 0 f ) 90 o
2 1 + QS ( f f 0 f 0 f )2 T 1Qs ( f f 0 f 0 f ) Tan

H(f ) =

Qs ( f 0 f )

2 1 + QS


f0 f0 f )

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Second Order Low-Pass Filter

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Second Order High-Pass Filter g

At low frequency the capacitor is i an open circuit i i At high frequency the capacitor is a short and the inductor is open

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Second Order Band-Pass Filter

At low frequency the capacitor is i an open circuit i i At high frequency the inductor is an open circuit

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Second Order Band-Reject Filter j

At low frequency the capacitor is an open i i circuit At high frequency the inductor is an open circuit

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Example 6.8

Design a filter that passes frequency components higher than 1 kHz and rejects components lower than 1 kHz. Chose L 50 mH L=50
f 0 = 1kHz = 1 2 LC C = 1 (2 )

f 02 L

1 (2 ) (1x10 ) (50 x10 )

2 3 2 3

= 0.507 F

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Example 6.8

To avoid amplifying the signal at f0 choose Qs=1

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Example 6.8
2f 0 L 2f 0 L 2 (1kHz )(50 x10 3 H ) Qs = R= = = 314.1 R Q 1

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Exercise 6.20

Design a filter with QS=1 that passes frequency components lower than 5 kHz and rejects components higher than 5 kHz. Chose L 5 mH L=5
f 0 = 5kHz = 1 2 LC C = 1 (2 )

f 02 L

1 (2 ) (5 x10 ) (5 x10 )
2 3 2 3

= 0.2026F

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Exercise 6.20
2f 0 L 2f 0 L 2 (5kHz )(5 x10 3 H ) Qs = R= = = 157.1 R Q 1

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Exercise 6.21

Design a filter that passes frequency components between fL=45 kHz and fH=55 kHz. Chose L=1 mH
f 0 = 50kHz = 1 2 LC C = 1 (2 )

f 02 L

1 (2 ) (50 x10 ) (1x10 )

2 3 2 3

= 10.13nF

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Exercise 6.21
B = f H f L = 10kHz f 0 50kHz Q= = =5 B 10kHz 2 f 0 L R= Q 2 (50kHz )(1x10 3 H ) = = 62.83 5

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Active Filters
Ideally, an active filter circuit should: 1. Contain few components . Co ta ew co po e ts 2. Have a t a s e function that is insensitive to . ave transfer u ct o t at s se s t ve component tolerances

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

3. Place modest demands on the op amps g p p gain bandwidth product, output impedance, slew rate, and other specifications 4. Be easily adjusted 5. Require a small spread of component values 6. Allow a wide range of useful transfer functions to be realized

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Active First-Order Low-Pass Filter

Zf Vo H( f ) = = Vi Zi 1 1 = + Zf Rf Zf = j 2fR f C f 1 1 = + 1 Rf Rf j 2fC f Rf 1 + j 2fR f C f Zf

Rf 1 H( f ) = = R 1 + j 2fR C Zi f f i R f 1 = R 1 + j( f / f ) B i 1 fB = 2R f C f

A low-pass filter with a dc gain of -Rf/Ri

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

1 vo (t ) = RC

vin (t )dt

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Active First-Order High-Pass Filter g

Zf vo H( f ) = = vi Zi Z i = Ri + H( f ) = Zf Zi 1 j 2 f Ci = Ri + Z f = Rf Rf 1 j 2 f Ci j 2 f R f Ci 1 + j 2 f R C i i

R = i 1 + j 2 f Ri Ci Ri R f j ( f / f B ) = R 1 + j ( f / f ) B i 1 fB = 2 Ri Ci =

j 2 f R f Ci

A high-pass filter with a high frequency gain of -Rf/Ri

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Differentiator Circuit

dv d in vo (t ) = RC dt
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Higher Order Active Filters g

H ( f ) = H1 ( f ) H 2 ( f ) H n ( f ) R n f = (1) R i

1 1 + j ( f / f B )

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Butterworth Transfer Function

Butterworth filters are characterized by having a particularly flat pass-band.

H(f ) =

1 + ( f fB )



ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

SallenKey Sallen Key Circuits

1 fB = 2RC

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

SallenKey Circuits y
v = Rf R f + ( K 1) R f vo

vi = v ( K 1) R f vo = Av = 1 + =K vi Rf

Non-inverting amplifier with a gain of K N i ti lifi ith i f

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

K Values for Low-Pass and High-Pass Butterworth Filters of Various Orders

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Low-Pass Active Filter Design g

Design a fourth order low pass Butterworth fourth-order low-pass filter having a frequency cut-off of 100 Hz
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Low-Pass Active Filter Design g

Choose C = 0 1F 0.1 1 1 R= = 2 Cf B 2 (0.1x10 6 )(100 Hz ) = 15.92k
From the table a fourth order filter requires K values of 1.152 and 2.235. The DC gain is (1.152)(2.235) = 2.575

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Low-Pass Active Filter Design g

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Low-pass Active Filter Design g

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Low-pass Active Filter Design g

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Review for Next Lecture!

Magnetic fields (B flux density, H magnetic density field intensity, magnetic permeability ) Right hand rule Forces on charges and current carrying wires moving in a magnetic field i i i fi ld Faradays Law Lenzs Law Amperes Law Ampere s
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Equal Component Sallen-Key LowPass Active Filter

1 fB = 2RC

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Equal Component Sallen-Key LowPass Active Filter


va vin va vo va v + + =0 R ZC R
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Equal Component Sallen-Key LowPass Active Filter

va vin va vo va v + + =0 R ZC R Rf

1 v = vo = vo R f + ( K 1) R f K va vin va vo va vo / K + + =0 R ZC R va vin v a vo / K + ( v a v o ) j C + =0 R R
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

Equal Component Sallen-Key LowPass Active Filter


v va va + =0 R ZC vo / K v a + v a j C = 0 R
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, by Allan R. Hambley, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

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