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Computer-Human Interfaces CSCI 5270 Homework 1: Interviews, Requirements & Scenario This is an EXAMPLE Not EVERYTHING is filled in

I. Project Overview
Project Description

I will design an interface that allows masters students in computer science to construct an online degree plan. The interface should be able to work on multiple levels that allow students to enter the items, professors to review the items, and secretaries to approve the items. The interface must also accommodate changing degree plan items. That is, administrators/students of the system must be able to edit (add and delete) degree requirements.
Development Team

Our project team consists of Dr. Kathleen Swigger II. Interview Questions 1. How long have you gone to school at UNT? 2. Have you filed for a degree plan? If no? Do you know what a degree plan is? Do you know what area you want to concentrate? Do you have an adviser? Do you know who to ask about a degree plan? Do you know what the requirements are to graduate? If yes? Did you have any trouble with completing the paper work? (if yes, what) Did you have to change anything after it was filed? (how much) Etc. Have you completed other types of applications/forms online? What types of things did you do online? What were some of the positive or negative aspects of this experience? Could a similar approach be applied to ordering food online? How could such an approach make the eating experience better?

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

III. Interview Summary Turn in: notes from your interviews List the characteristics of each of your users Record the answers that you received to the list of questions above.

Summarize observations you make, other questions that are raised during the interviews or any other noteworthy ideas that result from your interview experience. I interviewed three people for this project. The first person was a new graduate student who is planning to major in computer engineering. She did not yet understand the degree plan process, although she had some idea of the graduate requirements.....etc. The second person was a 23 year old male student in computer science. He had just recently completed a degree plan, although he didnt really know what it was going to be used for in the department.......The third person was a 23 year old computer science majors who is just about to graduate. He had completed a degree plan several years ago, and had changed it two times....... All three people who were interviewed said that they were interested in having a degree plan online, but students 1 and 2 indicated that they would probably need some help in completing it (since they didnt really know what it was used for). The third student, however, indicated that the degree plan would have to allow students to change the plan, since he had obviously done that two times. ......etc. (other information gathered from the interviews. <summary paragraph> On average, the interviewees said that they generally were ok with filling out forms on the Internet. Many said that they thought the forms could be more efficient if they contained the known information. For example, if the student entered their id, the form should be smart enough to put in the students name and other known information. .....etc. IV. Requirements
Overall Description

The potential users of this system will be people associated with the graduate program of the Computer Science and Engineering department at UNT. The interface will assume that the user of this interface is at least 20 years old. The user is computer literate, but may have some difficulty understanding English. However, the interface will assume that the majority of users will be individuals who have some knowledge of academic terms. The administrative functions of the website will be handled by a secretary or faculty member at UNT. It is assumed that this employee will have had a high school education and be familiar with computers. Describe the functioning of your system .
1. STUDENT USER Functional Requirements

The system must provide mechanism for specifying major area The system must provide mechanism for specifying related courses to major area The system must allow users to browse related areas The system must prevent user from entering an incorrect course

etc. (there should be more) Administrative functions include: 1. System must allow user to add/edit/delete degree requirements 2. System must have mechanism for routing completed degree plan to advisor 3. System must have mechanism for approving degree plan (etc., there are probably more) 2. Data Requirements System will need database that contains tables for Students/Advisors: Student Table: Major Area courses (and their relationship to the major areas); course numbers Student Name, id, etc. Adviser names etc. (If Database is required, then indicate high level ER-Diagram) Describe requirements suggested by environmental issues or constraints 3. Environmental Requirements System must support mobile computer System must be password protected System must support adviser/student views System must support multiple browsers (Etc.) Describe successful use of system from user perspective. 4. User Requirements Student-users are: Computer science students, MS, computer literate, different languages , Computer Science advisers Etc. Office staff Etc. Describe requirements related to how well the system needs to accommodate your users characteristics and needs 5. Usability Requirements Students must be able to complete degree plan 100% of time (completion)

Users should complete task in 3 minutes (efficiency) Users should receive correct error message for incorrect entry 100% of time (error effectiveness) Etc.

Administrator should be able to add/delete/edit requirements with no errors Secretaries should be able to approve..... V. Scenario Mary Jones, a second semester masters student, hurried to a desk in the library at Discovery Park. She knew that she needed to submit a degree plan quickly, because she had just received an email from the secretary telling her that she could not register for class until she had completed this form before 1:00. Mary looked on the computer science and engineering website and found the selection for DEGREE PLAN. Since this was the first time that she had ever done this, she wasnt sure where to start. As she let her mouse wander around the main screen, she noticed a section labeled help. Mary clicked on the label and saw a screen that displayed directions for completing the form. Once she was finished skimming the directions, she selected computer science from the degree-major slot. A list of courses then appeared on the screen. She then selected a number of different courses from this list. As she selected each item, a new total appeared on the right hand side of the screen indicted the number of hours that she had. She then selected a major adviser from the major adviser list. When she had completed her selections, she clicked on a button labeled submit form. After submitting this page, the computer displayed Marys name, address, and a social security number. Once she read the information, she pressed the continue button, and a screen appeared confirming her degree plan and informing her that it would be sent to the designated adviser. Mary looked at her watch and saw that it was 12:58, she had just made the deadline. VI. New Logo this was stretching it.

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