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Victory Ballroom, Hilton Indianapolis

120 West Market Street, Indianapolis, Indiana

Thursday April 6, 2006

12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch for Commission Members

1:00 – 1:15 pm Opening Session

Charles Miller, Chairman – Welcome and Call to Order

Format: Presenters will deliver remarks not to exceed ten minutes with
ten minutes of Q&A to follow.

1:15 – 3:30 pm Affordability

Bob Dickeson (Moderator)
Barry Burgdorf, Vice Chancellor & General Counsel, University of Texas System
Jim Boyle, President, College Parents of America
James Garland, President, Miami University, Ohio
Carol Twigg, President & CEO, National Center for Academic Transformation
Frank Mayadas, Program Director, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

3:30 – 5:00 pm Accreditation

Carol D’Amico, Chancellor, Ivy Tech State College – Central Indiana (Moderator)
Judith Eaton, President, Council for Higher Education Accreditation
Kay Norton, President, University of Northern Colorado

5:00 – 6:00 pm Commission Discussion

AGENDA APRIL 6-7, 2006

Friday April 7, 2006

7:30 – 8:00 am Continental Breakfast

8:00 – 8:15 am Opening Remarks by Chairman Miller

Format: Presenters will deliver remarks not to exceed ten minutes with
ten minutes of Q&A to follow.

8:15 – 9:45 am Articulation

Jay Pfeiffer, Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Accountability, Research, and Measurement
Florida Department of Education (Moderator)
Gaston Caperton, President, College Board
Peter Joyce, Workforce Development Manager, CISCO Systems
Richard Kazis, Senior Vice President, Jobs for the Future

9:45 – 12:00 pm Accountability

Peter Ewell, Vice President, National Center for Higher Education
Management Systems (Moderator)
Roger Benjamin, President & CEO, Council for Aid to Education, RAND Corporation &
Steve Klein, Senior Research Scientist, RAND Corporation
Peter McPherson, President, National Association of State Universities and
Land-Grant Colleges
Anne Neal, President, American Council of Trustees and Alumni
George Kuh, Director, Center for Postsecondary Research, Indiana University
Kevin Carey, Research and Policy Manager, Education Sector

12:00 – 1:00 pm Commission Discussion


Thurs. - Fri. May 18-19, 2006

Washington, DC – Watergate Hotel

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