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Lost Solfeggio

UT - 396 Hz - Red - Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE - 417 Hz - Orange - Undoing Situation and Facilitating Change
MI - 528 Hz - Gold - Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA - 639 Hz - Green - Connecting/Relationship
SOL -741 HZ - Blue - Awakening Intuition
LA - 852 Hz - Purple - Returning to Spiritual

In 1999, I came across a book entitled, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse
(Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 1999), by Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Dr. Joseph
Puleo. Their text revealed extraordinary Bible codes-electromagnetic frequencies
of sounds. These were believed to be related to the Creators ancient musical scale
used in creation, destruction, and miraculous manifestations including healings. Dr.
Puleo, by ongoing dialogue with Yeshua, was guided through the King James Bible
to reveal these sacred Divine frequencies. These original "Solfeggio tones appear
to fulfill Biblical prophecies and revelations. These tones are predicted to be sung by
the gathering 144,000 humble Spiritual servants who will sing Gods praises in such
a way as to, in Dr. Horowitzs words, "instantaneously and miraculously deliver this
entire planet back to God.

After reading Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, I was guided to create
tuning forks cut to these specific prophetic and powerful frequencies. The combined
sound of these six "Healing Codes played on tuning forks, simultaneously struck,
were used for my previous recording "The Lost Chord. This work relayed a journey
through the energy centers of the body. Introducing each energy center were the
sonics of the "Healing Codes. In addition, human voices also sang these six
frequencies. No doubt, these sounds contributed to the widely reported
extraordinary healings and transformational effects that people experience from
"The Lost Chord.
The original frequencies found in the Healing Codes book were:
1. 396
2. 417
3. 528
4. 639
5. 741
6. 852
Weave Hoffman, who engineered and co-produced "The Lost Chord, is quite a
mathematician. When he encountered these Hertz (i.e., cycles per second)
frequencies, he suggested that instead of six frequencies, there might be nine in
the complete series. Three of the frequencies were missing. I did not think too
much of this at the time, continuing with my work on "The Lost Chord.
Later, during the summer of 2001, I telephoned Dr. Horowitz who confirmed that,
indeed, there were 9 frequencies composing the scale. He called this scale, "Gods
perfect circle of sound. He directed me to decipher the missing three frequencies.
He also told me that he had never heard all 9 of these frequencies. I immediately
ordered a set of tuning forks to be cut to these 9 frequencies, and sent him a set.
The additional 3 frequencies in the tuning fork set created a completion of
frequencies that were missing from the original 6 frequencies. I knew all of these 9
frequencies combined were important, and on Christmas Eve, 2001, I was guided to
record them with a very special prayer/chant to complete "Holy Harmony.

Dr. Horowitz has reported a personal and professional transformation associated
with these revelations and tones. In his more recent publications, including Healing
Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine
and Modern Science (Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2000; 1-888-508-4787), he
credits these revelations as central to his more complete appreciation for the
spiritual basis of life. DNA, he declares, "is an electromagnetic receiver and
transmitter of virtually Gods Love. All life," he explains, "is based on sacred
geometry and Divine harmony manifested in matter. This spiritual energy is
reflected in organic chemistry with the fundamental six-sided carbon ring reflecting
the six tones of the ancient Solfeggio scale. Likewise, we have learned, DNA is
surrounded by mostly six-sided, hexagonal shaped, clustered-water molecules.
Thus, DNA is far more than a blueprint for life. It is a sacred spiral rising to the
gates of heaven wherein every step along the way, every metabolic function,
enzymatic reaction, and physical manifestation is consistently reproduced and
regenerated by through the Creators harmonious Voice and Grace. His song, above
all else, echoes eternally throughout the universe, continuously re-inspiring
everything-animal, vegetable, and mineral-towards that which is good, balanced,
and complete." By David Hulse D. D.

David Hulse D.D. Website - http://www.lightwithin.com

Link site - http://hiddenmysteries.com/xcart/product.php?productid=16417

Comment: Its Restoration Time folks! Its more than twelve years since this scripture (Acts
3:18-21) became a revelation through a vision on January 9, 1995. It was too vivid to be
left alone so I started to seek the Lord for interpretation with this understanding "That
which you seek already is," I knew it would be only a matter of time manifestation would
come. The above book should be in the hands of every musician and worship leader. I
believe the illusion which breeds: fear, hate and war is fading away because, theres a time
and a season for everything, (Ecclesiastes 3:1-13). I believe harmony is being restored to
how it was before the fall. By Merlin H. Oliver.


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