STOW - Vol. 4 - Schedule

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Saturday Schedule

Date Chapter
Chapter 1 Britain's Empire

Story Of The World - Volume 4 -The Modern Age

Who's Who
Queen Victoria


West Against East

Chapter 2


Chapter 3 British Invasions

Dost Mohammad Khan

Resurrection & Rebellion

Chapter 4


STOW Volume 4


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Saturday Schedule
Story Of The World Volume 4 The Modern Age
Date Chapter
Chapter 5 The American Civil War

Who's Who
Abraham Lincoln John Wilkes Booth


Two Tries F F or reedom

Chapter 6

Read p. 5 70 F rancisco Solano Lopez Review Chapters 1 to 6

Chapters 1 to 6 Review Chapters 1 to 6 Test


Chapter 7
Two Empires, Three Republics, & One Kingdom

Napoleon III Otto von Bismarck

STOW Volume 4


Page 2 of 12

Saturday Schedule
Story Of The World Volume 4 The Modern Age
Date Chapter
Chapter 8 Becoming Modern

Who Who s '

Sir Sandford Fleming


Two More Empires, Two Rebellions

Chapter 9

Tjoet Nja' Dhien (Cut Nyak Dhien)

A Canal To The East and A Very Dry Desert

Chapter 10

Isma'il Pasha

The F Parts Of The World ar

Chapter 11

Ned Kelly

STOW Volume 4


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Saturday Schedule
Story Of The World Volume 4 The Modern Age
Date Chapter
Unhappy Unions Chapter 12

Who's Who
Sir Robert Peel


The Old-F ashioned Emperor & The Red Sultan

Chapter 13

Pedro II Abdul Hamid II The Red

Pedro I

Two Czars & Two Emperors

Chapter 14


Chapter 15 Small Countries With Large Invaders

Empress Myeongseong(Queen Min)

Read p. 71 - 168 Review Chapters 7 to 15

STOW Volume 4


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Saturday Sc hedule
Story Of T World Volume 4 T Modern Age he he
Date C hapter
Chapters 7 to 15 Review Chapters 7 to 15 Test Chapter 16 Buffalo Bill Cody Andrew Carnegie

Who's Who

Home work

The Expanding United States

Chapter 17 China's Troubles


Europe & The Countries Just East

Chapter 18

William Knox D'Arcy

STOW Volume 4


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Saturday Schedule
Story Of The World - Volume 4 - The Modern Age
Date Chapter
Chapter 19 China, Vietnam And F rance

Who's Who
Henry Puyi


Chapter 20
Revolution In The Americas . . . War In The World

Pancho Villa
Archduke F ranz Ferdinand of Austria

A Revolution Begins, & The Great War Ends

Chapter 21

Tsar Nicholas II Rasputin Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Read p. 169 - 232 Review Chapters 16 to 21

Chapters 16 to 21 Review Chapters 16 to 21 Test None

STOW Volume 4


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Saturday Schedule
Date Chapter
Chapter 22

Story Of The World Volume 4 The Modern Age

Who's Who
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi


National Uprisings

Chapter 23 Peace & A Man Of War

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Woodrow Wilson

The King & Il Duce

Chapter 24

Benito Mussolini

Chapter 25 Armies In China

Hirohito (Emperor Shwa)

STOW Volume 4


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Saturday Schedule
Story Of The World - Volume 4 - The Modern Age
Date Chapter
Chapter 26

Who's Who
F ranklin Delano Roosevelt Adolf Hitler


The Great Crash & What Came Of It

Chapter 27 Civil War & Invasion

F rancisco F ranco

The Second World War

Chapter 28

Hideki Tojo

Chapter 29 The End Of War War II

Dwight D. Eisenhower J. Robert Oppenheimer

Winston Churchill

Read p. 233 - 328 Review Chapters 22 to 29

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Sa turday Schedule
Story Of The World Volume 4 The Modern Age
Da te Chapter
Chapters 22 to 29 Review Chapters 22 to 29 Test Chapter 30 Partitioned Countries None

Who's Who


Muhammad Ali Jinnah Muhammad Iqbal David Ben-Gurion Gamal Abdel Nassar George Marshall

Western Bullies & American Money

Chapter 31

Chapter 32 Africa & China After World War II

Chairman Mao

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Saturday Schedule
Story Of The World - Volume 4 - The Modern Age
Date Chapter
Chapter 33 Communism In Asia

Who's Who
Ho Chi Minh Kim Il-Sung Syngman Rhee (Lee Seung Man)


Dictators In South America & Africa

Chapter 34

Juan & Eva Peron

Chapter 35 The Cold War

Neil Armstrong Che Guevara Rosa Parks Martin Luther King Jr. Read p. 329 - 410 Review Chapters 30 to 36 Fidel Castro

Yuri Gagarin

Struggles & Assassinations

Chapter 36

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Saturday Schedule
Date Chapter

Story Of The World - Volume 4 - The Modern Age

Who's Who


Chapters 30 to 36 Review Chapters 30 to 36 Test Chapter 37 Two Short Wars & One Long One

Anwar el-Sadat Hosni Mubarak Yassar Arafat Golda Meir Indira Gandhi Ayatollah Khomeini

Two Ways Of Fighting

Chapter 38

Chapter 39 The 1980's In The East & The Mideast

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Saturday Schedule
Story Of The World - Volume 4 - The Modern Age
Date Chapter
Chapter 40 The 1980's In The USSR

Who's Who
Ronald Reagan Mikhail Gorbachev


Communism Crumbles But Survives

Chapter 41

Boris Yeltsin

Chapter 42 The End Of The Twentieth Century

Saddam Hussein Nelson Mandela

Read p. 411 - 474 Review Chapters 37 to 42

Chapters 37 to 42 Review Chapters 37 to 42 Test None

STOW Volume 4


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