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User Exit in MIRO

This question has been Answered. I need to validate the item tax code and pass an error message to the header level custom field. I am using MM08R002 and fn module EXIT_SAPLMR1M_001 it is triggering when user is selecting any line item in the po and try to save it .. The problem here is when I throw the error message, the header level fields fields are non editable. I need the header level fields editable and validate the item data. Please suggest ideas. Thanxs regards vijay

Correct Answer by Pablo Casamayor on Nov 24, 2008 8:17 AM Hi, for MIRO transaction you should considre using fm MRM_PROT_FILL e.g. DATA: gt_errtab gs_errtab TYPE TABLE OF mrm_errprot, TYPE mrm_errprot.

CLEAR gs_errtab. gs_errtab-msgty = 'E'. gs_errtab-msgid = 'ZMESSAGE_CLASS'. gs_errtab-msgno = '045'. gs_errtab-source = 'Q'. APPEND gs_errtab TO gt_errtab. CALL FUNCTION 'MRM_PROT_FILL' TABLES t_errprot = gt_errtab. Best regards.

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