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Issue 1January 2013

A message from the Director of Post-16 Learning:

I am delighted to be leading a dedicated team of staff and governors to develop the vision of our new sixth form at Christs. It is an extremely exciting time for school and clearly the addition of a sixth form brings an enormous number of benefits such as continuity of education, new facilities and positive role models in school and the wider community. Matthew Morris The sixth form will open in September 2014. Initially we expect to have up to 60 students in year 12 and that will increase over the next few years until we reach our capacity of 180 students in total. I will also continue to discuss the sixth form proposals with our students who we very much hope will want to be part of the new sixth form at Christs. We value their ideas and input which will help shape and establish an inspirational place for them to realise their potential. Matt Morris

Our Sixth Form Vision

The new sixth form will have the same friendly atmosphere, sense of community and ethos as the main school and be a place where excellence and individuality can thrive. We will offer a broad and balanced curriculum as well as a range of enrichment activities and opportunities to help our students develop as well rounded individuals. The sixth form will be organised in small tutor groups. Tutors together with the specialist sixth form staff team will ensure success through years 12 and 13 as well as appropriate transition post 18. The sixth form will make a strong contribution to the school and students will have the opportunity to take on leadership roles that will help them grow in confidence and prepare them for their next steps. We expect our students to graduate from the sixth form as well qualified, free thinking, independent learners who are equipped to make a positive contribution as citizens in the Richmond area and beyond.

The Curriculum We are committed to establishing a sixth form which is predominantly academic, offering high quality A levels that will give our students access to any university. Students may opt to take a subject on offer at another Richmond School and more information on the cross borough offer will be available in April. The table below shows the list of the likely A levels that will be on offer at Christs.

Art Biology Business Studies Chemistry Drama Economics English Literature Geography Government & Politics French History

ICT/Computing Maths and Further Maths Music Physical Education Physics Psychology Religion, philosophy and Ethics Sociology Spanish Textiles

Spring Term

March 6th: Sixth form information evening at 7 pm Mid March: Planning application decision due April 15th: Richmond Borough launch and publication of borough prospectus

Summer Term

Publication of Christs School Sixth Form Prospectus Admission details published and on school website Construction of new building scheduled to start at the end of the Summer term

The New Building and Expansion of the School Planning the new building was the main focus last term. There were fortnightly meetings with the planning consultants from the borough and HOK architects who developed a proposal that meets all our needs for both specialist sixth form teaching and enhanced facilities for the expanded school. The proposed plan includes a spacious new two storey block which will be sited in between the sports hall and Emlyn's Garden. This new building will include an exclusive sixth form study and social area, sixth form careers area, specialist and general teaching classrooms, a new fitness and activity studio and larger changing rooms with easy access to the playing fields.

In addition, there will be some refurbishment within the main school building which will bring enormous benefits to the whole school community. There will be more spacious dining facilities which will also double as a large meeting and exhibition space. There will also be a full size new purpose built drama studio and new specialist areas for electronics and graphics. The wireless network throughout school will be upgraded to ensure excellent access in every building so that our sixth form students can make full use of mobile devices. Current students will be consulted on the new plans, particularly the lay out of the areas exclusive to the sixth form. The sixth form areas will have a modern and vibrant feel while maintaining the community and Christian ethos of our school. The building work will begin in the summer and be completed in time for opening in September 2014.

Further Information and FAQs There will be another newsletter after half term. The sixth form section of the website and Christs Chronicles (published half termly) will also contain sixth form information and updates. Will there be information and advice on careers and university applications? High quality Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) will be a strong feature of our sixth form. Careers advice will be given as well as information on courses at higher education level and other opportunities post 18. We will also ensure that the right training and preparation is in place for students who seek to gain entry to competitive courses or institutions, such as Oxford, Cambridge, other Russell group universities or Medical Schools. Students will be supported through these processes carefully so that they can make informed decisions and prepare for their next step. What enrichment activities will be on offer? A sixth form experience is more than academic study and we recognise the need for sixth form students to develop a broad range of skills and take part in enrichment activities. Additional opportunities for students in the sixth form could include AS Extended Project, university visits, master classes, debating society, charity and community projects and cultural enrichment. The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and World Challenge will form part of our enrichment opportunities. There will be an excellent range of team sports allowing students to participate in our regular house sports programme and represent the school in leagues and tournaments. In addition, we will encourage sixth form students to take part in work experience and job shadowing to help them make critical decisions about their future careers. Will there be a study area for the sixth form? There will be a designated study area for the sixth form with IT facilities and wireless access. We expect to enable sixth form students to use any mobile technology. Students will also be able to use the main library and some designated small group rooms. Will Christs teachers be able to teach A level? Teaching at Christs is already outstanding. All our teachers are subject specialists and many staff at the school have taught A level before. Over the next 18 months, all staff will have training opportunities to ensure they have the latest information and the opportunity to develop new teaching and learning activities appropriate for A level. In addition, A level teaching experience will be a requirement in all future recruitment. Will sixth form students be in a tutor group? Sixth form tutor groups will offer excellent pastoral care with a programme of activities to inform, support and guide students through sixth form life. A full induction programme in September 2014 will ensure students are fully prepared for sixth form life. Tutors will provide personalised support to ensure students are on track for success.

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