Mba S'Ol+'F Seme - Ster-21 25: Rollno...... Total No. of Questions:7

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RollNo...... TotalNo. of Questions:7

pages:4 Total of printed No.


SecurityAnafysis and PortfolioManagement (N2)

MBAS'ol+'f Seme.ster- 25 21
LtL{vLLv' a'41Sct-tqleccs+ Wu

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Note: Question 1 fromsectionA compoulsory. no is Attemptanyfourquestions _B from section


-- 1 Write short noteon thefollowing 2_4lines in (a)Whatdoyoumeanby investment? (b)Define industry. MB-512 TurnOver

2 ratio? is (c)What Debt-EquitY bar (d)Explain chartlng. market? is (e)What an efficient analysis? tt)Whatdoyoumanby portfolio (g)Describe OPtions. opportunities? are (h)What theinvestment Risk. (i)Define of the fi) Describe concept derivatives. l0x2=20 .B SECTION risk between andreturn Q 2 Whatis the relationship as perCAPM? in Explain Q 3 Whatdo youmeanby derivatives? and contract how typesof futures detailfeatures, and fromoptions fonrvards. it ditfers (10) (1v


process produce that Q 4 Whatis theeconomic you the Howwould calculate walk? random NPVof a loan? the down following: Q5 Write indicator (a)volume (b)confidence indicator.
( 5x2- 10)


management? by Q 6. Whatdoyoumean investment philosophy individualand of in Explain detailthe investors. institutional


is Q 7. X co. Has madeplansfor the that will estimated the company employtotal being of 50%of theassets assets Rs 800,000; at cost by capital an interest financed borrowed per Thedirect costs theyearare for of 8o/" year. and opbrating at estimated Rs48O,OOO allother goods are at expenses estimated Rs80,000.The




will be soldto customers 150% of the direct at costs. rateis assumed be SO%. Tax to Youarerequired calculate Netprofit to (1) margin, (2)Return assets, Assets on (3) turnover and (4)Return owner's on equity. (10)


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