Axial Skeleton I

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Axial Skeleton I Skeleton is comprised of axial and appendicular structures. I. Skeleton A. Components 1. Bones a. 206 2. Cartilage 3. Joints 4.


B. Organization

1. Axial a. Skull b. Vertebral column c. Rib cage 2. Appendicular a. Limbs b. Girdles that attach to axial i. Shoulder and hip bones

II. Axial SkeletonSkull

A. Skull Bones 1. Organization a. Cranial b. Facial B. Cranial bones 1. Functions a. Site for head muscle attachment b. Encase brain and particular sense organs C. Facial bones 1. Functions a. Site for facial muscle attachment b. Cavities for particular sense organs i. Gustation ii. Olfaction iii. Vision c. Framework for the face d. Openings for air and food passage e. Secure teeth D. Suturesconnections (joints) between bones of skull 1. All bones of the skull except mandible 2. Cranial bone sutures

a. Coronal b. Sagittal c. Squamous d. Lamboid 3. Sutures of facial bones are named based on name of bones that are connected E. Organization of the skull 1. Cranial vault (calvaria; skullcap) a. Forms the superior, lateral and posterior aspects as well as the forehead 2. Cranial base (floor) a. Forms inferior aspect

b. Fossaesteps

a. Anterior b. Middle c. Posterior 3. Cavities a. Cranial i. Brain b. Orbits i. Eyeballs

c. Paranasal sinuses i. Nasal cavity d. Middle and inner ear 4. Openings a. Foramina b. Canals c. Fissures

III. Bones of the Cranium

A Paired 1. Parietal 2. Temporal B. Unpaired 1. Frontal 2. Occipital 3. Sphenoid 4. Ethmoid C. Frontal bone

1. Structural contribution a. Anterior portion of cranium b. Roofs of the orbits c. Anterior cranial fossa 2. Parts a. Frontal squama b. Supraorbital margins c. Glabella 3. Articulations a. Coronal suture

i. Parietal bones b. Frontonasal suture 4. Sinuses and openings a. Frontal sinus b. Supraorbital foramen D. Parietal bone 1. Structural contribution a. Superior and lateral aspects of the skull 2. Articulations a. Coronal i. Anterior; frontal bone b. Sagittal i. Midline; parietal bones c. Lamboid i. Posterior; occipital bone d. Squamous i. Lateral; temporal bones E. Occipital bone 1. Structural contribution a. Posterior wall and base of skull b. Walls of the posterior cranial fossa 2. Articulations a. Lamboid

i. Parietal bones b. Occipitomastoid i. Temporal bones c. Basioccipital i. Sphenoid bone 3. Openings a. Foramen magnum i. Brain connects with spinal cord 4. Protrusions a. Occipital condyles i. Articulates with first vertebrae F. Temporal bones 1. Structural contribution a. Lateral surface b. Inferior to parietal (inferolateral aspects of skull) 2. Articulations a. Squamous i. Parietal 3. Shapecomplicated; 4 regions a. Squamous i. Zygomatic process meets zygomatic bonezygotic arch ii. Mandibular fossa and condyle of mandibletemporomandibular joint b. Tympanic region

i. Surrounds external auditory meatus ii. Styloidneedlelike projection; muscle attachment c. Mastoidmastoid process i. Anchoring point for neck muscles ii. Mastoid sinuses d. Petrous regionmountain range i. Cranial base ii. Between occipital and sphenoid bones iii. Middle cranial fossa iv. Houses middle and inner ear cavities 4. Foramen a. Jugular i. Jugular veins; three cranial nerves b. Carotid canal c. Internal acoustic meatus i. Cranial nerves VII and VIII G. Sphenoid bone

1. Articulates with all other cranial bones 2. Shape a. Central Body b. Three pairs of processes i. Greater wings ii. Lesser wings iii. Pterygoid

H. Ethmoid bone

1. Shape a. Cribriform plate b. Perpendicular plate

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