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ICS 2311: Computer Graphics Cat Two for the Degree of M&CS and BSC.

IT Instructions: Answer All the Questions in This Paper a) Explain what is meant by a transformation matrix and describe the three sets of matrices provided by openGL for performing various transformation operations; <4 marks>
b) Using relevant illustrations explain what is matrix stack in openGL and describe the

purpose of the matrix operations; (i) glLoadIdentity() (ii) glMultMatrix*(M) (iii) glPushMatrix ()
c) Explain the effect of the following openGL commands for performing various

<4 marks>

transformations. Describe the meaning of the arguments. (i) glTranslatef (0, 0, -3 ) (ii) glscalef(20, 0, 0, 1)
d) Given a screen of 8X6 inches as in the diagram below

<4 marks>

<4 marks>

Calculate the horizontal and vertical resolution in pixels per inch if the resolution is 640 X 480 pixels
e) Explain the difference between; clipping area and viewport; f) Describe the following terms as used in computer graphics; (i) Fluorescence (ii) screen resolution (iii) color resolution

<2 marks> <3 marks>

g) With the aid of diagrams, describe the two types of projection used in computer graphics; h) Describe the functions of the following types of frame buffers ;

<4 marks> <5 marks>

i. ii. iii.

Color buffer Stencil buffer Depth buffer

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