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The Story of Film: An Odyssey

1) Filmmaking is the Art of making you ________________________?

2) What are the two birthplaces of film/cinema?

3) Before Thomas Edison how did people make pictures appear moving

4) Who came up with the idea of film roll?

5) What was the name of Edisons Structure/Invention?

6) What do you need for movies?

7) What other machines parts did French brothers use to make camera?

8) Name of French brothers?

9) What year was the first projection?

10) What happened to George Mieleis camera that revolutionized film?

11) What was Mielies the Father of?

12) What was George Albert Smith responsible for? Name of the shot?

13) What was the first closeup of?

14) First sport filmed?

15) What did filmmakers need to discover and perfect?

16) What did the reverse action shot do?

17) Who was Florence Lawrence?

18) What were small movie theatres for working class called?

19) What was first place outside US/France to make films?

20) What is the place that the film talks about wearing costume jewelry in daytime?

21) What was the Latham Loop?

22) Why was California a popular place for Hollywood?

23) Who shot first Hollywood feature? What was it?

24) Who was Hollywood built by?

25) First Female Director?

26) What did guy do?

27) How many theatres by 1920 in US?

28) What should D.W. Griffith be remembered for?

29) How did cinematographers make classy shots?

30) What is D.W. Griffiths most famous film?

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