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//Programmer: Harsh Gupta //Program: Text Encryptor/Decryptor //Email: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <windows.

h> using namespace std; void encryptor(); void decryptor(); void clear_screen(); int main(void) { char back = 'y'; while(back == 'y' || back == 'Y'){ int choice; clear_screen(); cout << "Welcome to Harsh Text Encryptor/Decryptor\n" << "1) Text Encryptor\n" << "2) Text Decryptor\n" << "Type the number of what you want to use: "; cin >> choice; switch(choice) { case 1: encryptor(); break; case 2: decryptor(); break; default: cout << "\nSorry not in choice."; break; } cout << "\nWant to re-run the program(y/n)? "; cin >> back; } } void encryptor()

{ ofstream a("encrypted.txt"); int size, key; char save; char ky[4]; cout << "\nEnter the size of your text: "; cin >> size; char text[size]; cout << "\nEnter the text for encryption: "; cin >> text; cout << "\nEnter your key: "; // Key decides encrypted text cin >> ky; key = ky[0] + ky[1] + ky[2] + ky[3]; while(key>10) { key = key - 10; } cout << "\nThe encrypted text is: "; for (int i = 0;i<size;i++){ // For displaying encrypted text text[i]+=key; cout << text[i]; } cout << "\nDo you want to save the encrypted text & key to your pc(y/n)? "; cin >> save; if (save == 'y' || save == 'Y'){ a << "Encrypted Text: "; for (int i = 0;i<size;i++){ a << text[i]; } a << "\nKey: " << ky[0] << ky[1] << ky[2] << ky[3]; } } void decryptor() { ofstream a("deccrypted.txt"); int size, key; char save; char ky[4]; cout << "\nEnter the size of your text: "; cin >> size; char text[size]; cout << "\nEnter the text for decryption: ";

cin >> text; cout << "\nEnter your key: "; cin >> ky; key = ky[0] + ky[1] + ky[2] + ky[3]; while(key>10) { key = key - 10; }

// Key decides decrypted text

cout << "\nThe decrypted text is: "; for (int i = 0;i<size;i++){ // For displaying decrypted text text[i]-=key; cout << text[i]; } cout << "\nDo you want to save the decrypted text file to your pc(y/n)? "; cin >> save; if (save == 'y' || save == 'Y'){ a << "Decrypted Text: "; for (int i = 0;i<size;i++){ a << text[i]; }} } void clear_screen() { HANDLE output_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); DWORD bytes_write, size; COORD coord = {0, 0}; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(output_handle, &csbi); size = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y; FillConsoleOutputCharacter(output_handle, ' ', size, coord, &bytes_write); SetConsoleCursorPosition(output_handle, coord); }

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