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Evelyn Velez Period .

4 1-22-13

Three things about me. I have long hair. I love my baby brother. I love puppies.

Three things about my family. They buy me things. I love helping my mom cook. We love going to baby showers.

Three goals for this semester. Get good grades. Finish seventh grade. Never miss a day of school.

Evelyn Velez Period.4 1-22-13

My name is Evelyn Velez and I am going to tell you three things about me. I have long hair its brown. I love my hair and my friends like it to. I love my baby brother cause hes the cutest baby. I love puppys cause there small and fury and theyre so cute. This is all about me.

Next, I am going to tell you three things about my family. My parents buy me a lot of things. I love helping my mom clean and make food. My family and I like going to baby showers and we like playing games. I love washing with my mom in the laundry and I like helping her a lot. My family likes puppies my mom likes dogs.

Finally, I am going to tell you three goals for this semester. U should get good grades on school. Also, you have to pass seventh grade. Also, you dont have to miss a day of school. I want to do good in this semester because if I dont do well my mom wont take me to Disneyland. And, I hope I pass eight grade.

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