The Problem of Littering

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Question What is Litter? Why do people Litter? Who is most likely to litter?

Answer To throw trash away on the floor or where it does not belong Some people are lazy or they are far away from a trash can and just throw it on the floor. People that dont care about the earth. Young people because maybe they just dont want to throw it away and old people because there bones are getting old and may not work anymore. Sneak trash into streets A little bit far but still dont make it Throw the trash like a basketball and dont make it Try to make the trash fit in the trashcan People who sweep the trash Yes because you can litter anywhere at anytime Yes you can get caught can you can get a fine To throw the trash where it belongs and that will help. Tell people how bad the earth will be if that continues to happen.

Define these acts of littering Flagrant fingers: Inch away: Fool Shooters: Wedgers: Sweepers: Are there many advantages of littering? Are there any disadvantages of littering? What are some strategies to prevent people from littering?

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