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r Team Membe ies sstalk Ministr C/O Cro

Letters to team members may be sent by mail or email through the Crosstalk Ministries ofce: C/O Crosstalk Ministries 3491 Hingston Ave. Montreal, QC H4A 2J5 You can learn more about Crosstalk Ministries at You can also follow the Day Camps blog at

I was so impressed with them (the team). Our parish was so fortunate to have such a dynamic, energetic, and committed group.

Day Camps

Crosstalk Ministries

(from a Parish Priest)

Ive got no time to play now: this is day camp week! Can we go now?

(from a camper, first thing in the morning)

This is a fantastic program, which, I feel, has a very positive influence in Day Campers lives.

Prayer& Share
Helping people of all ages become stronger disciples of Jesus Christ.

(from a Team Member)

DAY CAMPS is a program for children aged 4 to 12, hosted by churches across Canada. Children spend a week learning about God and His place in their lives, through teaching, games, crafts and other activities. Day Camps are held in 25 to 30 communities each summer, reaching about 1000 children a year. CROSSTALK MINISTRIES is a Christian organization rooted in the Evangelical Anglican tradition, with a strong desire to work within an ecumenical context. It also sponsors residential youth camps, a young adults weekend retreat, a monthly youth service, and a fellowship meeting for clergy and lay leaders.

You can also support a team member by committing to pray for them through the summer. Prayer partners are asked to write at least two prayer letters to the team member(s) they are supporting over the summer, encouraging them in their ministry and reminding them of your prayer support. As you pray daily for your Partner, please keep in your prayers the various aspects of the whole ministry:


Team members participate in Day Camps on a voluntary basis. Room and board is provided while on team, as is travel to parishes from Montreal. Crosstalk Ministries is not in a position to provide honoraria, however, nor assistance for travel to Montreal. Team members are encouraged to raise support from their home communities and friends. Funds should be channeled to the team member directly, or through their home church. If you choose to support a team member, consider it a share in their ministry: be sure to ask about his or her experiences over the summer. Please also keep the team member in your prayers!

Monday: Pray for local parish team members as the Day Camp week begins in each parish. Tuesday: Pray for the camp coordinators in the parishes, as they bring together the various aspects of Day Camps at the local level. Wednesday: Pray for the clergy in Day Camp congregations, as they meet daily with the teams and offer pastoral support to the camp. Thursday: Pray especially for blessing for the children who have asked Jesus to be their Special Friend. Friday: Pray for the final day of Day Camps, and for every child involved. Saturday: Pray for rest and refreshment on the teams day off. Sunday: Pray for the closing services and for travel safety as teams move on to new parishes.

TRAVELING TEAM MEMBERS volunteer to spend six weeks leading Day Camps. They are trained in Montreal before traveling in small teams to communities hosting Day Camps. The teams work closely with clergy, a local co-ordinator and a parish team to run the program. They are billeted by members of the host communities. The teams act as leaders for both the children and local volunteers. YOUR SUPPORT of Day Camps is greatly appreciated. Please keep the program, team members, director and volunteers in your prayers. Financial contributions allow Crosstalk Ministries to continue the work of Day Camps and its other programs.

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