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The Art of Cut Paper

What is a silhouette?
Miniature Cuttings Black Profiles Skiagrams Shadowgraphs Shadow Portrait Black Shades

History of the Name

Etienne de Silhouette, Finance Minister to Louis XV in 1759 Unpopular monetary tactics- anything cheap became labeled as a la Silhouette ( he was also was a silhouette artist)

Auguste Amant Constant Fidle Edouart

Famous French Silhouettist The Black Shade Man Came to America in 1839 Returned to Europe Shipwrecked off the coast of Jersey- lived, but all his works were lost! Never cut another silhouette!

John Meirs Silhouettes

What company uses silhouettes to advertise its product today?

Paper Cutting around the World



Papel Picado



Central Montcalm Silhouettes

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