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Am I ready for a new way of living?

My/our name(s) is/are: Our/My contact is: 1. How much do I trust the power of helping each other to created healthy and sustainable alternatives to what is offering us the current system? 2. Would I consider that the general land belongs to a Non Profit Association or Cooperative we create for that purpose and each family or individual chooses a particular piece with legal right of use at perpetuity over it? (the concept behind this is of not being able to speculate with pieces of mother earth and possession of land remains to mother earth herself who is happy to let us live on her if we don't harm her) If not please share your own vision about it if you like to do so. 3. Is it for me important that there are restrictions of use of certain products at the project as a whole? If yes, what sorts? (for example: chemical products in agriculture or household, animal products...) 4. What would I feel that is right to have in common with the brothers and sisters of the project? 5. How would I feel it should be focused the common structures work-wise and money-wise? 6. Is a spiritual focus and/or practice important for me within the community? If yes please give details. 7. What I am expecting of the project? 8. What can I offer to this project? 9. What are my feelings about education and school? 10.How I am feeling about opening the common spaces to the public? And how much? 11.What kind of feelings have I about the land characteristics in which I would feel comfortable? (Altitude, climate, size, water, distance from main roads, price, etc) 12.Anything else I would like to share?

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