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The Trial of Giles Corey


John Hawthorn- Kevin Loeffler 5

Nathaniel Satonstall- Ethan 5
LaGreca Group
Computer sound effects

John Hawthorn: And is it NOT true that you, Giles Corey, appeared to the
afflicted as your specter??

Nathaniel Satonstall: Mind your tongue Jonathan!!!!!!! That is not legitimate


John Hawthorn: It may not be legitimate evidence…but it is evidence that

follows the deputy governor’s goal to eliminate all witches and wizards in
Salem and all of Massachusetts County!!!!!

Nathaniel: You should be following the orders of Governor William Phips not
William Stoughton, the bloody deputy governor!

Two afflicted girls fall in the background, and cry out.

Ann Putnam Jr.: I will not sign your book!!! Never Giles Corey! Be away with
your evil ways!!!!

The crowd gasps

Nathaniel: This is absolute foolery!!! Tell William Stoughton I effectively


Hawthorn: On what grounds??

Satonstall: Because of these blatant lies.

Satonstall slams a book down and storms out.

Computer sound effects

Marry Warren: Oh Lord, help me!!

Ann Putnam: Stop Giles!! He’s pinching me…ow! He’s biting me!

Mary Warren: Giles Cory is a wizard strong

A stubborn wretch is he…

The Trial of Giles Corey
Cory: No I’m not!!

Hawthorn: See! That is undeniable proof that he is a wizard of Satan!! 5

Ann: He wouldn’t even let Mary finish the poem, he is a wizard! 5
Corey: This court of Oyer and Terminer has never proved anyone not guilty.
Rather than preach to deaf ears, I would rather chose to undergo what death
they would put me to.

Hawthorn: Do you plead guilty not guilty?

Pause 8seconds whispering in background

Ann: He says nothing…

Mary: If he wishes to be dumb he is guilty.

Hawthorn: This court has no tolerance for the dumb. By tradition I sentence
you to be pressed by stones until you confess to your evil deeds. He will be
sent to Boston and imprisoned, and after a period will be pressed on
September the 9th of 1692.

Ann begins cease

Mary: Help!! Giles has forced Ann into a fit!

Mary falls to the ground and ceases along with Ann

The crowd gasps

Computer Sound effects

Voice: Do you wish to plead now Corey?

Corey: More weight

Pause5 seconds moaning…


Corey: More weight…

Computer Sound Effects

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