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1. Draw the equivalent circuit for surface electrode and microelectrode and explain them(11) 2.

Write short notes on a. Electrode theory b. Propagation of action potentials 3. Explain the different physiological systems in our body and the problems in measuring the physiological variables 4. What are resting and Action potentials explain with diagram, discuss the difference and relationship between the two potentials Two: 1. Write the principle of Bio chemical Transducer? 2. Write is Nernst Equation and explain? 3. What is an electrode, and explain the operation of Ag-AgCl electrode? 4. List the two transducers used for biomedical applications? 5. What are the sources of bioelectric potentials? 6. Discuss the relationship between action potential and Muscle contraction? 7. Mention the potential range of Action and Resting potentials? 8. Write the principle of Piezo electro transducer and list the uses? 9. How BP is measured using Strain gauge? 10. Write the two methods for measuring the electrode potential?

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