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Apostila 4




(Naqueles tempos) My name is Ana Smith. I am sixty-five years old now. Today life is very easy but when I was a child it was very difficult. My family was poor and big and I had five sisters and four brothers. We lived in a farmer and there was not transport to the city. We were a very happy family. Text comprehension - Compreenso do texto (em seu caderno) a) b) c) d) e) Is Ana Smith young or old?___________________________________ How old is she?____________________________________________ She lived: ( ) in dowtown ( ) in a farmer ( ) in a big city. How was her life? ( ) very easy ( ) very difficult Ana Smiths family was: ( ) small ( ) big

Bem, como voc deve ter compreendido, o texto fala como era a vida de Ana. Voc observou que h contraste entre como a vida hoje e como era em outros tempos, ilustrada com o verbo to be no presente e passado. Observe: Affirmative form I was (eu era ou estava) You were ( voc era ou estava) He was (ele era ou estava) She was ( ela era ou estava) It was (ele, ela era ou estava) We were (ns ramos ou estvamos) You were (vocs eram ou estavam) They were (eles eram ou estavam)

Interrogative form Was I at home yesterday? Were you? Was he? Was she? Was it? Were we? Were you? Were they?

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Agora vamos ver o verbo to be no passado na forma negativa: Negative form I was not at home yesterday. You were not He was not She was not It was not We were not You were not They were not Forma contrada I wasnt You werent He wasnt She wasnt It wasnt We werent You werent They werent

No texto tambm aparece o verbo there to be = haver, no passado. O verbo haver, tanto no passado como no presente possui somente duas formas: There is There are - h ( existe) - h (existem) There was - havia ( existia - singular). There were havia (existiam - plural).

Affirmative form: Ex.: There was a boy in the class. Havia um menino na classe. There were boys in the class. Havia meninos na classe. Negative form: Ex.: There was not a boy in the class. There were not boys in the classes. Bem agora chegou a hora da prtica dos exerccios em seu caderno, para fixao dos contedos explorados nessa aula: Exerccio 1: Passe as frases para o passado, e depois para as formas negativa e interrogativa, como no exemplo: I am rich. I was rich. I wasnt rich. Was I rich? a) We are poor. _____________ _____________ b) I am lazy. __________ __________



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c) The clothes are cheap. _____________________ _____________________ d) She is a beautiful girl. ____________________ ____________________ e) They are silly. ____________ ____________ f) He is very smart. _______________ _______________ g) It is very funny. ______________ ______________ h) You are very lazy. ________________ ________________







Exerccio 2: Complete com there was ou there were: a) b) c) d) e) _________a garden in front of the school. _________pretty girls at the party. _________boys in my class. _________many singers in the rodeo. _________an apple in the basket.

Curiosidade cultural Voc sabe o que so Christmas Carols? So canes religiosas cantadas na poca de Natal. Elas so famosas e comuns na Inglaterra e nos Estados Unidos. Os carol singers, que so cantores desse tipo de msica, cantam na rua em frente s casas ou at mesmo dentro delas, normalmente em grupos. Eles costumam recolher dinheiro para ajudar pessoas sem teto, doentes ou desempregadas.

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YESTERDAY AND TODAY Vamos continuar a falar do ontem em comparao com os dias de hoje. Como foi sua infncia, como eram os meios de transportes, qual foi o avano da tecnologia que nos proporciona tanta facilidade. Pois ento vejamos esse texto: In old times people lived in contact with nature but today they live in the middle of pollution. Men worked hard in the country but today they prefer to work in large cities.

In old times customs were different from today. For example, women preferred long dresses and stayed at home, but today they wear modern clothes and have many opportunities to get good jobs.

Como voc j percebeu, no texto aparece o verbo to be no passado, que j foi estudado na aula anterior e reparou tambm que aparecem outros verbos com terminao ed. Pois bem esses so os verbos regulares, em ingls, e tanto no passado todos terminam por ed e tm a mesma forma para todas as pessoas. No simples? Observe o verbo to work: Presente work works (3 pessoa singular). Passado worked para todas as pessoas. Pretrito perfeito e imperfeito I worked Eu trabalhei ou trabalhava You worked Voc trabalhou ou trabalhava He worked Ele trabalhou ou trabalhava She worked Ela trabalhou ou trabalhava We worked Ns trabalhamos ou trabalhvamos You worked Vocs trabalharam ou trabalhavam They worked Eles trabalharam ou trabalhavam

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Vejamos agora uma pequena lista de verbos regulares: enter finish help listen need order plan play prefer serve stay wait walk wash entered finished helped listened needed ordered planned played preferred served stayed waited walked washed entrar terminar ajudar, socorrer ouvir precisar pedir planejar brincar, tocar preferir servir ficar waited caminhar lavar

Os verbos terminados com a letra e recebem somente a letra d: dance live love notice require serve skate smile use wave danced lived loved noticed required served skated smiled used waved danar morar amar perceber requerer servir patinar sorrir usar acenar

Os verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante trocam o y por i e acrescenta-se ed. copy reply study supply worry copied replied studied suplied worried copiar responder estudar abastecer preocupar-se

Os verbos irregulares formam o passado de forma diferente e voc ter uma lista nas prximas aulas.

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Uma dica para voc caro aluno. Os verbos regulares no tempo particpio passado tambm tem a mesma terminao ed. cozido preparado trabalhado retornado vivido usado cooked prepared worked returned lived used

Ex.: carro usado used car.

Ento vamos por em prtica o que voc aprendeu, atravs dos exerccios que voc far em seu caderno: Exerccio 1: Passe as frases para o passado, de acordo com o exemplo: I live in New York. I lived in New York. a) They wash the dishes. ___________________ b) He likes salad. ______________ c) She dances very well. ____________________ d) I wait the bus. _____________ e) We listen the music. __________________ f) You love your boyfriend. _____________________ Voc sabia que...

O nome do nosso famoso Papai Noel em ingls no Father Noel, mas sim Santa Claus? E ainda tem mais, os americanos costumam abreviar e cham-lo de Santa?

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MY FAVORITE MEALS Voc j pensou que ns no temos uma s refeio preferida e sim vrias, dependendo da ocasio? Para o caf da manh h quem tome caf puro, outros com leite, no almoo prefere um lanche rpido como os americanos, outras pessoas gostam de almoar ao meio dia e lanchar noite. So preferncias pessoais, no mesmo? Que tal voc ampliar seu vocabulrio referente comida e refeies em ingls? American Breakfast - coffee - eggs and bacon - sausage - orange juice - corn flakes with milk - bread - butter - margarine - jam - ham - cheese Lunch rice bean pasta chicken meat salad caf da manh caf ovos e bacon salsicha ou lingia suco de laranja flocos de milho com leite po manteiga margarina geleia presunto queijo Almoo arroz feijo massas em geral frango carne de vaca ou boi em geral salada

Snack lanche (refeio rpida) fruit fruta juice suco sandwich sanduche slice of pie fatia de torta. Ex.: lemon pie, apple pie. piece of cake pedao de bolo. Ex.: chocolate cake, coconut cake. biscuit biscoito

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Dinner baked potato t -bone steak Supper Soup

Jantar batata assada com ou sem recheio (tradio britnica em culinria) bife com osso. Ceia sopa

A ceia constituda de pratos bem leves, pois se trata da ltima refeio, servida depois das 11 horas da noite, mas que no faz parte do dia-a-dia; geralmente servida nos cruzeiros martimos. Beverages Bebidas

champagne champanha hot chocolate chocolate quente mineral water gua mineral sparkling water gua com gs refreshments refrescos soft drinks bebidas no alcolicas soda refrigerante em geral (gasoso) wine vinho red wine vinho tinto white wine vinho branco tea ch Voc est lembrado que em ingls o adjetivo sempre vem antes do substantivo, assim poderamos dizer para no esquecer dessa regra: mineral gua, branco vinho, etc. Note que para alimentao o nome do alimento vem antes do nome do prato, como nos exemplos abaixo: strawberry pie cheese cake pineapple juice tomato salad ham and cheese sandwichtorta de morango bolo de queijo ( em geral de ricota) suco de abacaxi salada de tomate sanduche de queijo e presunto

Antes de terminar essa aula vamos falar do famoso cachorro quente americano, que vendido em carrinhos em cada esquina, e que no tem o capricho e os recheios inventados pelo brasileiro. Levam somente mostarda (mustard) e catchup (ketchup) e s vezes maionese (mayonnaise).

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Chegou a hora de voc ampliar seu vocabulrio mais ainda, pois o exerccio abaixo, que voc far no caderno, ser uma pesquisa de 5 frutas, 5 vegetais e 5 verduras, no dicionrio bilnge da escola. Veja o modelo abaixo: Exerccio 1: Frutas Fruit ma apple ________________________ / ________________________ / ________________________ / ________________________ / ________________________ / Verduras Greens / Vegetais Vegetables / corn milho _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

alface lettuce ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Curiosidade cultural

O Palcio de Buckingham residncia oficial da famlia real inglesa atrai muitos turistas que vo at l com cmera fotogrficas e filmadoras para presenciar e guardar como lembrana as imagens da troca da Guarda momento em que os guardas do Palcio saem e so substitudos por outros num bonito ritual repetido h sculos.

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GABARITO - MDULO 10 Text comprehension pg. 1 a) Shes old. b) She is sixty-five years old. c) in a farmer d) very difficult e) big Exerccio 1 pg. 2 e 3 a) We were poor. We werent poor. Were we poor? b) I was lazy. I wasnt lazy. Was I lazy? c) The clothes were cheap. The clothes werent cheap. Were the clothes cheap? d) She was a beautiful girl. She wasnt a beautiful girl. Was she a beautiful girl? Exerccio 2 a) There was c) There were e) There was Exerccio 1 pg. 6 a) They washed the dishes. b) He liked salad. c) She danced very well. d) I waited the bus. e) We listened the music. f) You loved your boyfriend. pg. 3 b) There were d) There were

e) They were silly. They werent silly. Were they silly? f) He was very smart. He wasnt very smart. Was he very smart? g) It was very funny. It wasnt very funny. Was it very funny? h) You were very lazy. You werent very lazy. Were you very lazy?


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VOCABULRIO GERAL cheap = child = cities = country = customs = difficult = easy = farmer = funny = jobs = large = lazy = life = men = midlle = nature = old = now = party = poor = rich = silly = smart = to get = when = women = young = barato, barata, baratos, baratas ( no o inseto) criana cidades / singular = city pas costumes difcil fcil, fceis fazenda engraado, engraada, engraados, engraadas empregos grande, grandes preguioso, preguiosa, preguiosos, preguiosas vida homens / singular = man meio natureza velho , velha, velhos, velha agora festa pobre, pobres rico, rica, ricos, ricas tolo, bobo esperto, esperta, espertos, espertas conseguir, obter quando mulheres / singular = woman jovem, jovens


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Charles has a large farm. There are big animals on the farm as cows, oxen, horses and little animals as hens, rabbits, geese and pigs. He has also some buffaloes and sheep. There are two big lakes with variety of fish and a beautiful orchard with many kinds of fruit, as peaches, plums, mulberries and mangoes. Bem o texto acima fala da fazenda de Charles e o que ele cultiva l. Voc ter oportunidade de ampliar seu vocabulrio e ainda aprender sobre o plural dos substantivos. 1) O acrscimo de s ao singular a norma geral: animal animals book books car cars cow cows (vaca vacas) hen hens (galinha galinhas) horse horses (cavalo cavalos) lake lakes (lago lagos) pig pigs (porco porcos) plum plums (ameixa ameixas) 2) Os substantivos terminados em o, s, ch sh e x recebem o acrscimo de es: bufallo bufalloes (bfalo bfalos) mango mangoes (manga- mangas - fruta) bus buses (nibus nibus) peach peaches (pssego pssegos) brush brushes (escova escovas) box boxes (caixa- caixas)

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3) Nas palavras abaixo, os dois oo so substitudos por dois ee: goose geese (ganso gansos) foot feet (p ps) tooth teeth

4) As palavras terminadas em f ou fe, geralmente trocam o f e o fe por v e recebem es: leaf leaves ( folha folhas) wolf wolves (lobo lobos) life lives (vida vidas) knife knives (faca facas) wife wives (esposa esposas) 5) Substantivos terminados em y precedido de consoante, perdem o y e recebem o acrscimo de ies: mulberry mulberries (amora amoras strawberry strawberries (morango morangos) lady ladies (senhora senhoras) 6) Substantivos terminados em y precedido de vogal fazem o plural normal, com acrscimo de s: boys boys (menino meninos) key keys (chave chaves) 7) Plural especial de alguns substantivos: man men (homen homens) woman women (mulher mulheres) child children (criana crianas) ox oxen ( boi bois) louse lice ( piolho piolhos) mouse mice (camundongo camundongos) die dice (dado dados)


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8) Os substantivos abaixo no tm plural, permanecem igual ao singular: fish fish (peixe peixes) fruit fruit (fruta frutas) sheep sheep (ovelha ovelhas) Viu quanta novidade neste mdulo, ento vamos verificar o quanto voc assimilou, atravs dos exerccios que voc far em seu caderno:

Exerccio 1: Passe para o plural: a) man c) tomato e) dress g) watch i) rabbit k) leaf ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ b) house d) toy f) baby h) fruit j) farm l) child ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Exerccio 2: Passe a frase para o plural, como no exemplo dado: No se esquea que o artigo a desaparece no plural, e observe os pronomes, as formas verbais is, are, was, were e os verbos regulares no presente e passado: There was a goose in the lake. There were geese in the lakes. a) There is an ox on the farm. ________________________ b) He works on Sunday. ____________________ c) The woman takes a knife to cut a potato. ___________________________________ d) The fox is in the forest. ____________________ e) There was a mouse in the bag. ___________________________


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Exerccio 3: Escreva no plural, observando que o artigo a desaparece e o adjetivo no tem plural, ou seja, no varia: a) A white tooth. _____________ b) A wild wolf. ___________ c) A green leaf. __________ d) A nice lady. _________

Curiosidade cultural Orlando uma cidade na Flrida, EUA, que recebe milhes de turistas todos os anos, pois o Walt Disney World fica apenas 24 km do centro da cidade. O Disney World um parque gigantesco, com muitos brinquedos e atraes inspirados e criados por Walt Disney, bem como parques temticos como Epcot Center, com rplica de monumentos de diversos pases.


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Sandra Did you have a good vacation Meg? Meg - Oh yes, I had a wonderful time. And you? Sandra - I went to Rio by bus, and stayed there for two weeks. Meg - Well I visited my relatives in Florianpolis and went by plane. But what did you see in Rio? Sandra - I saw the Cristo Redentor and the Po de Acar. And what did you do in Floripa? Meg - I went to the beach and surfed a lot. What a fun!

Text comprehension: Responda verdadeiro (true) ou falso (false) em seu caderno: a) Meg had a good vacation b) Sandra went to Rio by plane. c) Meg had a lot of fun. d) Sandra visited Cristo Redentor e) Meg likes to surf. f) Meg went to Floripa by plane. ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) )

Bem o passado dos verbos regulares j foi estudado em aula anterior e como voc deve estar lembrado, acrescenta-se ed para os verbos terminados em consoante e d para aqueles terminados em vogal. Tambm so iguais para todas as pessoas.

Os verbos irregulares formam o passado de forma diferente e no h outra maneira de aprend-los se no memoriz-los.


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Veja uma pequena lista abaixo: Infinitive to be to buy to come to do to drink to eat to get to go to make to have to meet to read to see to sell to sing to sleep to speak to take to write Past Tense was, were bought came did drunk ate got went made had met read saw sold sang slept spoke took wrote Past Participle been bought come done drunken eaten got/gotten gone made had met read seen sold sung slept spoken taken written Translation ser ou estar comprar vir fazer beber comer conseguir, obter ir fazer ter encontrar pessoas ler ver vender cantar dormir falar pegar, levar escrever

Lembre-se que a partcula to no tem traduo para o portugus e serve para indicar que o verbo est no tempo infinitivo e no conjugado. Difcil? Espero que no. Vamos ento aos exerccios de fixao e depois mostraremos a funo do auxiliar DID que aparece no texto. Exerccio 1: Passe as frases para o plural: a) I have some friends. __________________ b) She goes to school. __________________ c) I take a bus to go to school. ________________________ d) He speaks English very well. _________________________

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e) My father reads the newspaper in the morning. ________________________________________ f) They meet my friends at the club. ____________________________ g) You write a letter. ________________ h) My mother makes a delicious chocolate cake. _____________________________________

Curiosidade cultural A Tasmnia ficou conhecida na televiso por um personagem de desenho animado: o demnio da Tasmnia. Esse demnio um animal engraado parece o cruzamento entre um co e um lobo, meio gordinho e faminto que devora tudo que est a sua volta. Porm, a verdadeira Tasmnia uma ilha Australiana que tem belos lagos, florestas densas e bonitas cidades. Seus habitantes so descendentes de aborgines e de ingleses.


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DID YOU...? YOU DIDNT... Como visto em outro mdulo, o verbo to do = fazer, pode se tornar verbo auxiliar e como tal ele no tem traduo em portugus. No tempo presente ele aparece como DO para todas as pessoas e DOES somente para 3 pessoa do singular - he, she, it - para auxiliar as frases interrogativas e negativas. Lembra-se? Veja aqui dois exemplos: He likes rainy days. (Ele gosta de dias chuvosos) Does he like rainy days? Yes, she does. (respota curta =short answer) No, he doesnt. He doenst like rainy days. I go to the school. Eu vou escola. Do I go to school? / Yes, I do. / No I dont. I dont go to school. No passado no diferente, ele auxilia as frases interrogativas e negativas, porm com uma nica forma DID para todas as pessoas. Mas lembre-se que o verbo principal utilizado com o verbo auxiliar DID volta para o tempo infinitivo sem a partcula to. Veja os exemplos: They had a good vacation.(Eles tiveram boas frias). Did they have a good vacation? Yes, they did. / No they didnt. They didnt have a good vacation. Mary spoke English very well. Mary falava ingls muito bem. Did Mary speak English very well? Mary falava Ingls muito bem? Mary didnt speak English very well. Mary no falava ingls muito bem. Esquema para fazer perguntas, no tempo passado em ingls: DID + Sujeito + Verbo Principal

Que volta para forma bsica = infinitivo Esquema para responder na forma negativa em ingls: Sujeito + DID NOT + Verbo Principal

Que volta para forma bsica = infinitivo

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Vamos verificar o que voc assimilou com os exerccios abaixo, que voc far em seu caderno, Ok? Exerccio 1: Mude para a forma interrogativa: a) You spoke to Mr. Nelson? _______________________ b) She saw many attractions. _______________________ c) They took theirs books. _____________________ d) I went to the bank. ________________ e) The mouse eat all the cheese. __________________________ Exerccio 2:Passe para a forma negativa: a) I meet my father at the club. _________________________ b) She bought a beautiful dress. _________________________ c) He sold his car. _______________ d) They went to the circus. _____________________ e) My sister made a cheese cake. ___________________________

Voc sabia que... A tabela de medida de comprimento nos Estados Unidos baseada em polegada. 1 inch = 2,54cm; portanto se tomarmos como exemplo a rgua escolar de 30cm, aqui no Brasil, ela ser vendida como 12 inches ruler (uma rgua de 12 polegadas) l nos EUA.

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GABARITO - MDULO 11 Exerccio 1 a) men d) toys g) watches j) farms pg. 14 b) houses e) dresses h) fruit k) leaves c) tomatoes f) babies i) rabbits l) children

Exerccio 2 pg. 14 a) There are oxen on the farms. b) They work on Sundays. c) The women take knives to cut potatoes. d) The foxes are in the forests. e) There were mice in the bags. Exerccio 3 pg. 15 a) White teeth. b) Wild wolves.

c) Green leaves. d) Nice ladies.

Text comprehension: pg. 16 a) true d) true b) false e) true c) true f) true

Exerccio 1 pg. 17 e 18 a) I had some friends. b) She went to school. c) I took a bus to go to school. d) He spoke English very well. e) My father read the newspaper in the morning. f) They met my friends at the club. g) You wrote a letter. h) My mother made a delicious chocolate cake. Exerccio 1 pg. 20 a) Did you speak to Mr. Nelson? c) Did they take theirs books? f) Did the mouse eat all the cheese?

b) Did she see many attractions? d) Did I go to the bank?

Exerccio2 pg. 20 a)I didnt met my father at the club. b) She didnt buy a beautiful dress. c) He didnt sell his car. d) They didnt go to the circus. e) My sister didnt make a cheese cake.

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also fun kind variety large as orchard plum rabbit rainy relatives some there time tomato ton vacation wonderful

VOCABULRIO GERAL tambm diverso espcie variedade grande como pomar (no confundir com orchid = orqudea) ameixa coelho chuvoso, chuvosa, chuvosos, chuvosas parentes algum, alguns, alguma, algumas l tempo tomate tonelada frias maravilhoso, maravilhosa, maravilhosos, maravilhosas


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My name is William Grenne and I am British. Now I am working in a big multinational company and I live in So Paulo, at 225, Garibaldi street. I was born in London, on 27 December 1970, on a Monday at 7 o clock, and today is my birthday not a fire!!!!!!!!!.

Voc j estudou as preposies in = dentro e on = sobre, em outra aula. Voc est lembrado disso? Agora, observe o emprego das preposies in on at, com relao a tempo e lugar. Tempo in 1980 ...............................................ano in December. on a Monday. .......................................dia on 27 December 1970. at 7 oclock. .......................................hora Lugar in Brazil. .............................................pas Mario lives in So Paulo. .................................cidade on Tiradentes Avenue. ........................rua at 225, Garibaldi street. ..............nde rua

Mario was born

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Observaes: 1. Para grandes unidades ( ano, ms, pas, cidade) empregamos a preposio in = em. 2. Para as unidades mdias ( dias da semana, datas, ruas) usamos a preposio on = em, na. 3. Para as unidades pequenas ( horas e n de rua) usamos at = s, na, no. Os exerccios de fixao abaixo devero ser feitos em seu caderno. OK? Exerccio 1: Complete corretamente com as preposies in, on e at: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) My daughter was born ____ 12 August 2000. Her mother lives ______Brazil Avenue. Peter was born ______ a Tuesday. I live ______ Votorantim. ____ Saturday, our English class starts _____8 oclock. They go to Miami _____ July. She works _____ Piedade. I get up _____6 oclock in the morning. You live _____ 38, Venezuela street. The little dog was born ____September.

Voc sabia que... A unidade de peso( weight) utilizada pelos americanos a ona? No? Ento veja: - 1 ounce = 31,10 gramas. Abrevia-se oz . - 16 ounces = 1 pound (libra) que pesa aproximadamente 453 gramas. - Abreviatura = lb. No se compra frutas, legumes, cereais por kilo nos EUA e sim por libra (pound). Preste ateno: se voc pesa 50 kilos aqui no Brasil, l voc pesar aproximadamente 90 pounds (libras), mas continuar com o Oh! One pound less!!!!!!! mesmo peso, certo?


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Mr. Lazys week

Nancy What will you do next week? Adam Well. On Monday I will not to work because I will be very tired. On Sunday I practice some sports. Nancy And what about Wednesday? Adam I wont work because I have to go to the doctor. I am not well... I am working too much.! Nancy And the others days? Adam Friday is almost the end of the week. So I will stay at home and I will rest. Bem voc observou no dilogo acima, que na prxima semana Mr. Lazy far ou no algumas atividades. Vamos aprender agora como se forma o futuro (future tense), em Ingls: - Acrescentamos o auxiliar will antes do infinitivo do verbo principal, para todas as pessoas. Affirmative form I will work You will work He will work She will work We will work You will work They will work Contracted form Ill Hell Well work work work Youll work Shell work Youll work Theyll work Traduo Eu trabalharei Voc trabalhar Ele trabalhar Ela trabalhar Ns trabalharemos Vocs trabalharo Eles/elas trabalharo

We will be at home tomorrow. She will study next week. I will sell the car on Thursday.

Ns estaremos em casa amanh. Ela estudar na prxima semana. Eu venderei o carro na quinta-feira

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He will go to Miami next month.

Ele ir para Miami no prximo ms.

They will buy the magazine after tomorrow.Eles compraro a revista depois de amanh. Vejamos agora como fica: - a forma interrogativa, e voc, meu caro aluno, deve estar lembrado que o verbo vem antes do pronome pessoal: - a forma negativa acrescenta-se a partcula de negao not entre o verbo auxiliar e o verbo no infinitivo: Interrogative form Negative form Contract form Will I work? I He will not work will not work I You He We wont wont wont wont Will you work? Will he work? Will she work? Will we work? Will you work? Will they work? You will not work She will not work We will not work You will not work They will not work

She wont You wont They wont

What will you do after finish the last lesson? E voc, o que far quando terminar este que o ltimo mdulo de Ingls do Ensino Fundamental? Voc certamente continuar seu estudo no mesmo? profissionalmente e como ser humano. Mas agora chegou a hora dos exerccios: Exerccio 1: Passe a frase para o futuro, como o modelo: I play sports on Sundays. I will play sports on Sundays. b) She visits her mother on Saturday. _______________________________ c) You cook delicious meals on Sundays. _________________________________ d) He goes to school on Mondays. ___________________________ e) They speak to Mrs. Greene. ____________________________

Para crescer

a) We stay home on Fridays. _______________________

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Exerccio 2: Escreva a sentena com os verbos no futuro, de acordo com o modelo: I leave Sorocaba next week. I will leave Sorocaba next week. a) She be a very happy woman. ____________________________ b) We be a very good friends. ___________________________ c) Mary and John visit their son next month. ____________________________________ d) Those boys go to the dentist. __________________________ e) You be a very rich man. ________________________ Vejamos mais algumas expresses que indicam futuro, alm daquelas que voc j aprendeu: - tomorrow night - next year - tonight amanh noite prximo ano ( ano que vem) hoje noite

Curiosidade Cultural

A Esccia conhecida pelos seus castelos, pela qualidade do usque, pelos msicos que tocam gaitas de foles e usam aquelas famosas saias. Sua capital Edimburgo sedia o concorrido Festival Internacional de Msica e Teatro, que acontece todos os anos, durante trs semanas, no vero, atraindo milhares de turistas de todo o mundo.


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Immediate future

Vimos no mdulo anterior o tempo futuro dos verbos, isto o que ainda acontecer. Pode ser daqui a uma semana, um ano, vrios anos, no mesmo? E o que dizer daquele futuro imediato, cuja ao vai ser realizada imediatamente, logo, em seguida. Como voc viu nas ilustraes acima, compare as aes do lado esquerdo com as do lado direito e voc ver que elas aconteceram num futuro imediato. Assim se voc estiver sendo orientado pelo professor e logo em seguida estar indo realizar uma prova, voc poder dizer: -Eu estou indo fazer a prova da aula 36. - I am going to do a test from lesson 36. - Eles esto indo jogar futebol. - They are going to play soccer - Ns estamos indo assistir a TV. - We are going to watch TV.

Apostila 4



O motorista est indo abrir a porta, no mesmo? Ser uma ao quase imediata, pois a senhora ir entrar no carro em seguida.

O vento est fazendo voar os papis que esto em cima da mesa, portanto a ao que eu executarei praticamente imediata. Eu estou indo fechar a porta.

Veja o esquema para formar o futuro imediato:


Apostila 4



Chegou a hora de verificar o que voc aprendeu neste mdulo, atravs dos exerccios que sero efetuados em seu caderno, certo? Exerccio 1: Passe as frases abaixo para o futuro imediato, de acordo com o modelo:


Apostila 4



Exerccio 2: Complete as frases com o futuro imediato: a) b) c) d) e) f) Mary ______________ a magazine. ( to read) John ______________ the street. ( to cross) They ______________ the cake ( to eat) We _______________ tennis. (to play) You ______________ to the radio. (to listen) I _________________ my car. (to clean)

Curiosidade Cultural
Miami conhecida na Amrica Latina pela presena de imigrantes de origem hispnica (60% da populao). Existem tantos hispnicos em Miami que o espanhol j considerado uma segunda lngua na cidade. No Brasil, Miami tambm conhecida por causa do comrcio. A zona franca atra muitos turistas brasileiros.

Parabns a voc caro aluno que chegou at aqui e venceu todas as etapas dos Mdulos de Ingls do Ensino Fundamental. SUCESSO!!!!


Apostila 4



Exerccio 1 a) on e) On at i) at Exerccio 1 a) b) c) d) e)

GABARITO MDULO 12 pg. 24 b) on c) on d) in f) in g) in h) at j) in pg. 26

We will (well) stay home on Fridays. She will visit her mother on Saturday. You will (youll) cook delicious meals on Sundays. He will (hell) go to school on Mondays. They will (theyll) speak to Mrs. Greene. pg. 27

Exerccio 2 a) b) c) d) e)

She will be a very happy woman. We will be a very good friends. Mary and John will visit their son next month. Those boys will go to the dentist. You will be a very rich man.

Exerccio 1 pg. 30 a) The girl is going to buy a magazine. b) Paul is going to open the candy box. c) Danny is going to eat a sandwich. d) The man is going to read a newspaper. e) The boys are going to play football. f) The girls are going to cross the street. g) The boy is going to swim in the river. Exerccio 2 pg. 31 a) is going to read b) is going to cross c) are going to eat d) are going to play e) are going to listen f) am going to clean


Apostila 4



VOCABULRIO GERAL British candy cross fire now rest river tired too much was born what about won Britnico, nascido na Inglaterra doce atravessar incndio agora descansar rio cansado muitssimo. nasci que tal (expresso idiomtica) ganhei, ganhamos ... (passado do verbo win= ganhar)


Apostila 4





DIREO Elisabete Marinoni Gomes Maria Isabel R. de C. Kupper

COORDENAO Neiva Aparecida Ferraz Nunes

APOIO Prefeitura Municipal de Votorantim


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