Chapter I Part II

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Milestones in the Computer History

1. Invention of the Vacuum Tube (Electron Lamb) 1930

After invention of the Vacuum Tubes, the first electronic computer was built.

Milestones in the Computer History

2. Invention of the Transistors. 1959
After invention of the Transistor, more smaller computer was able to built. Because transistor is smaller than the vacuum tube. Also a transistor consumes less energy and can operate faster than a vacuum tubes.

Milestones in the Computer History

3. Invention of the Integrated Circuits, IC (Electronic Chips). 1965
Because An Integrated Circuit is made up of the thousands of the transistors it was able to manufacture more and more smaller computers.

Milestones in the Computer History

4. Invention of Microprocessors (Microchips). 1971
After the invention of the Microchips, Personal Computer was able to be produced. Because A Microchip is made up of the millions of the transistors it was able to be manufactured portable computers.
In year 2001 Pentium 4 has 42 millions transistors In year 2004 Pentium 4 EE 169 millions transistors

History of the computing devices

3000 BC: People began to use abacus for calculating.

History of the computing devices

1670: Gottfried von Leibnitz improved Pascals calculator. Leibnitz mechanical calculator could perform four arithmetic and square root operations.

History of the computing devices

1842: Charles Babbage made a mechanical machine called Difference engine to solve more complex problems than Leibniz's calculator.

History of the computing devices

1890: Herman Hollerith designed a computer that used punched cards.

History of the computing devices

1939: John Atanasoff developed the first all electronic digital computer.
The final product was the size of a desk, weighed 700 pounds, had over 300 vacuum tubes, and contained a mile of wire. It could calculate about one operation every 15 seconds.

History of the computing devices

1943: The first real computer, ENIAC was made. When it was finished, the ENIAC filled an entire big room, weighed thirty tons, consumed two hundred kilowatts of power, and had over 19,000 Vacuum tubes, fifteen hundred relays and hundreds of thousands of resistors, capacitors, and inductors.

History of the computing devices

1951: The first general purpose computer, the UNIVAC was made.

History of the computing devices

1958: The first computer fully designed with transistor was built by Seymour Cray.

Control Data Corporation, CDC 1604 Computer

History of the computing devices

1964: IBM made IBM 360 computer used Integrated circuit.

History of the computing devices

1975: The first Professional microcomputer (PC), the Altair used microprocessor was introduced.
NAME ALTAIR 8800 MANUFACTURER MITS TYPE Professional Computer YEAR 1975 KEYBOARD No keyboard, but switches on front panel. CPU Intel 8080A (rarely 8080) SPEED 2 MHz RAM 256 bytes ROM None TEXT MODES None GRAPHIC MODES None PRICE $595

History of the computing devices

1981: IBM introduced its first PC.
First IBM PC, PC (5150) Manufacture date: 1981 CPU: Intel 8088 Register: 16 bit speed: 4,77 MHz RAM: 64 KB price: 5.113 Euro

History of the computing devices

1984: Apple introduced its first PC Macintosh.

History of the computing devices

History of the computing devices

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