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Before the Exam

1. Attend every class.

2. Keep up with the reading.

Before the Exam

3. Take careful notes.

4. Study on your own.

Before the Exam

5. Study with a group.

6. Make an appointment with your instructor.

Before the Exam

7. Review the material one last time the night before and get a good nights sleep.

During the Exam

1. Read through the entire exam.

2. Budget your time.

During the Exam

3. Reread each question. Underline key words and make certain that you understand what is being asked of you. 4. Brainstorm first, especially when writing an essay or paragraph. Write down all of the important information you can think of.

During the Exam

5. Write down the main idea. After brainstorming, write a sentence that states the main idea of your answer.

6. List your key points. You can quickly list how you will support your main idea.

During the Exam

7. Draft your answer. 8. Reread, revise, and edit. Leave yourself enough time to carefully look over your answer for errors.

Dun, dun, dunnnn

AKA: Dont do these things, or you will be in big trouble!

Academic Honesty
Dont reuse papers you wrote in high school or other college courses. You will not learn from turning in old work.

Academic Honesty
Dont copy information from a book or article or paste material from a website directly into your paper. Using someone elses work without acknowledgement is called PLAGIARISM, and it can get you kicked out of school.

Academic Honesty
Dont ask a friend or relative to help you write a paper. If you are stuck, ask me!

Academic Honesty
Dont allow another student to copy your work.

Academic Honesty
Dont work with other students on take home papers.

Academic Honesty
Never buy a paper. Even if you change some of it, it is not your work.

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