Activity File

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Amber Johnson EDUC 170/270 P- preparation Graffiti Anticipation Set A- assistance QAR Key Sentences R reflection What If Whip

f Whip Around V vocabulary Vocabulary Bingo Whats The Word?

Activity File Recap

W writing RAFT (role, audience, format, topic) What? So what? Now what? Role of PAR in content instruction Strategies for reading and comprehension in all the content areas should be taught while also teaching content so students of all ages know how to approach text and absorb information from text and other resources provided in class. Specific activities in each stage of PAR, (preparation, assistance and reflection) helps students build strategies that aid their overall comprehension. They also contribute to skills in other reading instruction elements such as vocabulary, writing and other word work while giving the students what they need at that moment, such as building background for preparation or organizing thoughts for assistance and determine what the point of the text was for reflection activities. Reflection Providing variety and excitement in the classroom is important to keep kids engaged, and through the activity files completed in class by myself and activities done in class, I have created an enormous resource to refer back to when I am teaching literacy skills and all other content areas. Providing a framework gives teachers a way to organize activities and determine what is the most appropriate activity to do that will strengthen the strategy that students need to work on.

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