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Man is architect of his own fate

Today we see the craftiness of man almost all over the world since he has reshaped his environment, re-engineered his living and re-invented the meanings of life. So, mans fate is no exception to this phenomenon. God has sent man on this earth owing him with mandate to write down on the wall of his fate with the acts and deeds he performs. His mind is mentor who tells him what the consequential shape will appear over the actions he orchestrates. He cannot blame anything as predestined bound to himself. A centuries-old but abiding writer, Shakespeare, also said:

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings.

So, fate, good or bad and progressive or regressive, is determined by mans own activity or, at times, inactivity towards life. The basic thing that derives him towards action or inaction is the approaches towards life i.e. balanced approach, extreme approach and static approach. Man with balanced approach always avoid being polar and choose the balanced way, like all the successful personalities of the world, to shape his fate on the progressive lines. Whereas, man with extreme approach, whether he is intellectual or illiterate, will come across bad fate at the hands of his extreme choices like Dr. Faustus, a highly intellectual person, meets a bad fate though his ambitions were not bad. Third category of people lives a very deplorable and regressive life. They are always in waiting for a godot to alter their fate and do nothing. They are spiritless, sluggish rather parasitic. In conclusion, a balanced approach towards life is the prerequisite of good fate. (272 words excluding title)

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