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Proposed WFB House Rules

If a unit is flanked it can not gain steadfast. (Gives steadfast it's necessary counter and makes sense as what the good are rear ranks if they're also engaged?) Make Way! Rule revision: Currently when an un-engaged unit is charged in the flank the charged unit's characters and command may automaticly swap places with friendly models on the flank that has been charged granting the unit a free reform. I propose that if a unit does not decide to HOLD FAST (giving it time to turn to meet the charge) the unit's characters & command must first make a leadership check. If they pass MAKE WAY! Works as normal, if they fail the check they they have to wait until after casualties have been removed to make their MAKE WAY reform. A Character accepting a challenge however, may still press through to meet the enemy. (Makes charging a flank more useful and realistic) Mounted units with a brace of pistols CAN use them in close combat. (They always could before, seems an unnecessary nerf).

Magic Dice become scalable. Winds of Magic are 1d6 for less than 1000pts, as normal for up to 2000 and +1d6 every additional 1000pts. Maximum Dice Pool increases by 1d6 for every 1000pts. (This keeps the current magic phase mini-game alive while nicely scaling the magic system, have been reading online and this one seems to be the general consensus). Five dice cap on all spells casts. (Not sure on this one, I mean powering through with additional dice gives you more of a chance to miss-cast so this is already balanced). Irresistible Force: Double 1s not enough power. Double 1s and double 6s mean not irresistible. Double 6s irresistible + Miscast with each additional 6 causing another roll on miscast chart. Spells the remove models regardless of wounds and without saves may be countered with a Ward Save if the effected character or unit gets them. Also, characters get a LOOK OUT SIR roll against these effects.

Units in cover gain +1 to their ward save vs. attacks by war machines. So 6+ if they have no ward. (As Warmachines do not use BS this gives cover a use vs. them) Canons use BS when targeting single models but gain +1/+2 for shooting at suitably large targets. Also Rather than hitting both Rider and Monster its D6: 1-4 Monster, 5+ Rider. If a canon bounces through a unit and hits a single monster or character gains a cover ward save bonus as detailed above. (Stops Monster Sniping). Warmachines go on suitably sized circle bases. (Gives a clear footprint and centre-base as point of pivot).

In games of 2000+ points you may spend up-to 25% of army's total on Scrolls of Binding as per the MONSTUS ARCANUM & STORM OF MAGIC supplements. However you are limited to 1 Scroll of Binding per 1000pts past 2000. (It's nice to have cool units as long as they're fluffy and not being spammed. Examples of fluffy choices would be a unit of White Lions for Lannister Elves or Great Stags for Boratheon Empire).

NOTES Will look at Mythic Magic Items & Artefacts later, however if we use them would like to reclass RUNEFANG as mythic.

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