Linhan Li

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Linhan Li Technical Artist | | 650-867-8690

Seeking a full time position as a technical artist or effect artist in the video game or film industry.

Master of Entertainment Technology Fall 2007 – Spring 2009
Carnegie Mellon University, Entertainment Technology Center, Pittsburgh, PA, US

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Fall 2003 – Spring 2007

Beijing Language and Culture University, Department of CS, Beijing, China GPA: 3.9/4.0

Carl Rosendahl – Advisor of Independent Study on Lighting


Technical Artist Intern May 2008 – Aug 2008
Electronic Arts RS --- mySims Kingdom on Wii
• Developed a tool to calculate object density for model optimization in C++/Maya API
• Assisted Technical Artist team to accomplish various pipeline optimization tasks
• Wrote MEL scripts to support artists in submitting jobs to render farm effectively

Technical Artist + Effects Artist Spring 2009, Spring 2008

Carnegie Mellon University --- XBox Live Arcade Game Trino
• Trino, an award winning triangle trapping game, has appeared in Official Xbox Magazine, also featured on,, and most popular download on
• Programmed a tool in C#/XNA for 3D effects creation and composition, Designing effects for game
• Developed Particle System, Implemented shader based materials on XNA

2D Artist + Flash Programmer Fall 2008

Carnegie Mellon University --- Australia National Railway Museum Project
• Prototyped interactive Exhibition Game System with Action Script 3.0, UI Design

Texture Artist + Shader Programmer + Producer Fall 2007 – Winter 2007

Carnegie Mellon University --- Building Virtual Worlds, Entertainment Technology Center
• Designed virtual experiences focused on interactivity, storytelling, and intuition

Natural Language Processing Programmer Winter 2005 – Spring 2005

Beijing Language and Culture University --- Center for Language and Information Processing , China
• Coded Chinese Searching Engine and Translation tool using Viterbi algorithm

OS Windows Unix Linux Design Maya8.5 Photoshop Illustrator
Programming Cg HLSL XNA OpenGL MEL C# C /C++ Java Python Perl SQL


Microsoft DreamBuildPlay Top 20 Finalists - Trino 2008
Honorable Mention in Mathematical Contest in Modeling, American National Security Agency Winter 2006
Dean’s List Fall 2006, Fall 2005, Fall 2004

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