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Never compare your story to those you watch in movies. They're written by scriptwriters, yours is written by God.

Efren Penaflorida
Efren Peaflorida Jr

I am Efren Penaflorida,they awarded me as the CNN Hero of the year2009,I feel great pleasure in helping the kids. And these hopes
were granted with the help of the pushcart classroom

He shows how good Filipinos are and it serves an example to all Filipino people to do even small things but with great meaning. And never forget to trust God, whatever he accomplish today is a blessing. He truly is a good example for the youth. Through education you cant just help your family, also, you can help the country and contribute to its development,

Submitted by: Faye Martinez Chloie Ramos Kyra Sepra Yr.IV St.-Jane

Blessed be the Lord through the ministry of World Vision. I want to thank you for standing firmly for the work of the Lord. In my journey, Ive learned to trust God to claim his promises like what prophet Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 49:11---Efren Penaflorida. He does not Only show he is a catholic by praying but by helping the kids and doing charible activities,despite of poverty,he still managed to help others.He put God in the center of his life ,we are created to share the love of Christ

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Trust God and don't be dismayed. Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly-Efren Penaflorida. IN his Kariton classroom he aims to tackle the 7Ks: Karunungan (education), Kabataan (youth), Kalusugan (health), Kapayapaan (peace and order), Kalinangan (arts and culture), Kalikasan (environment) and Kabuhayan (livelihood).He wanted us to be the change we want to be

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