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Acceptance Sampling

Prepared by Anthony Lizza Penn State University

What will be covered?

What is acceptance sampling? How/When would you use it in your organization? Acceptance sampling explained. How acceptance sampling works. An exercise. Summary

What is acceptance sampling?

Acceptance Sampling
Statistical quality control technique, where a random sample is taken from a lot, and upon the results of the sample taken the lot will either be rejected or accepted.

What is acceptance sampling?

Accept Lot
Reject Lot

Ready for customers

Statistical Process Control(SPC)

Not suitable for customers

Sample and determine if in acceptable limits

What is acceptance sampling?

Determine the quality level of an incoming shipment or, at the end production Ensure that the quality level is within the level that has been predetermined

What is acceptance sampling?

Can be either 100% inspection, or a few items of a lot. Complete inspection
Inspecting each item produced to see if each item meets the level desired Used when defective items would be very detrimental in some way

Acceptance Sampling method


INSPECT SAMPLE Type title here








What is acceptance sampling?

Problems with 100% inspection
Very expensive When product must be destroyed to test Inspection must be very tedious so defective items do not slip through inspection

How/When would you use it?

Acceptance sampling advantages
Less handling damages Fewer inspectors to put on payroll 100% inspection costs are to high 100% testing would take to long

How/When would you use it?

Acceptance sampling disadvantages
Risk included in chance of bad lot acceptance and good lot rejection Sample taken provides less information than 100% inspection

How/When would you use it?

Between your organization and outside world Samples taken run through filter, either passing or rejecting it
Also filter from suppliers to you

How/When you would use it?

When products in use could be damaged easily When using new suppliers When new products produced When current supplier in question Testing whole lot could be harmful

How/When you would use it?

Determine how many units, n, to sample from an lot Determine maximum number of defective items, c, that can be found before the lot is rejected

Acceptance sampling explained

Acceptable Quality levels(AQL)
Number of defect percentage allowed in a lot which can still be considered accepted(Type I error)

Lot Tolerance Percent Defective(LTPD)

Amount of defects that will come with a lot of goods(Type II error)

Acceptance sampling explained

Sampling Plan
Forms after n and c values have been found

Producers risk
Risk associated with a lot of acceptable quality rejected

Acceptance sampling explained

Consumers risk
Receive shipment, assume good quality, actually bad quality

Type I error(producers risk)

Type II error(consumers risk)

Acceptance sampling explained

Sample size taken for your sampling plan

Where rejections would occur when defects exceeded this percent

Acceptance sampling explained

Operating characteristics curve(OC)
A graph, displaying standards at which shipments would be accepted Determine AQL, a, LTPD, b, Take LTPD/AQL, this gives you the n(AQL)


Acceptance sampling explained

Reference n(AQL) in the table
C will be given as well when referencing the table

N(AQL/AQL)=n-sample size C= reject if more percent defects more

The equations can be tricky but the exercise later will help

How acceptance sampling works

Two classifications of acceptance plans
Attributes(go no-go) Variables

How acceptance sampling works

Attributes(go no-go)
Defectives-product acceptability across range Defects-number of defects per unit

Usually measured by mean and standard deviation

How acceptance sampling works

You are not measuring the quality of the lot, but, you are to sentence the lot to either reject or accept it

An Exercise
Determine the
AQL, a, LTPD, B? Reference table providedc LTPD/ AQL nAQL c LTPD/ AQL
0 1 2 3 4 44.890 10.946 6.509 4.890 4.057 .052 .0355 .0818 1.366 1.970 5 6 7 8 9 3.549 3.206 2.957 2.768 2.618


2.613 3.286 3.981 4.695 5.426

An Exercise cont.
Assume a manufacturer purchases wire from an outside vendor. The wire vendor has an accepted quality level of 1% and accepts a 5% risk of rejecting lots below this level. The manufacturer considers lots with 3% defectives to be unacceptable and assumes a 10% risk of accepting a defective lot. Develop a sample plan for the manufacturer to be followed by the inspection personnel

Acceptance sampling is used by organizations to determine if there processs are running within a controlled limit and to see if they should reject or accept lots

There are many basic terms you need to know to be able to understand acceptance sampling
SPC, Accepts Lot, Reject Lot, Complete Inspection, AQL, LTPD, Sampling Plans, Producers Risk, Consumers Risk, Alpha, Beta, Defect, Defectives, Attributes, Variables.

Advantages/Disadvantages of acceptance sampling Purpose of acceptance sampling When to use acceptance sampling Equations involved Exercise
Notes pages have many beneficial hints and help better relate the material, the answer to the exercise is also located on a the notes page of the exercise.

(Foster, S.Thomas: Managing Quality-An Integrative Approach:pgs. 263-274:copyright 2001) Quality Control in Furniture Manufacturing:Internet ions/library/quality/qc40.htn

Process Analysis:Internet ook/stprocan.html Quality Control: Internet ontrol.html

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