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Samantha Hardie Rhetoric 404 2-1-13

Objectives: Introduce Cause and Effect Essay Describe uses, organization Go over schedule

Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.2a Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information so that each new element builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.

Materials: Powerpoint Printed Schedule Binders with Outline Example of Cause and Effect Essay

Teaching Goals: Familiarize/establish myself with class

Time 5 Minutes

Period Length: 50 Minutes Start of Class: Take Attendance Collect any outstanding assignments Introduction: State Objectives: Today Im going to introduce the Cause and Effect essay and were going to

5 Minutes

10 Minutes

go over the timeline for finishing it Hand out schedule, review due dates

10 Minutes

10 Minutes

Instruction: Whats the point? Cause and Effect essays are a good way to support thinking, its useful when starting off any number of essays, it is a good way to give background info They are mainly used to show connections between different things. Can show why something is a problem Can be used whenever you need to analyze any sort of problem/issue/event You could use a Cause and Effect essay for anything from analyzing a bad grade to exploring the reasons for global warming For this essay, you will be taking the Social Issue youve been examining and use that as your topic. Organization Binders page 21-24 There is an outline in the binders The essay will need to have an: 1. Intro 2. Definition of Social Issue-What is the problem? Why should we care? 3. Who is affected by the Social Issue 4. Cause #1 5. Effect #1 6. Cause #2 7. Effect #2 8. Conclusion (?) In turn, each individual paragraph excepting the Intro and conclusion needs to have: 1. Topic Sentence 2. 2 Quotes or pieces of evidence and an explanation or analysis of each item 3. Concluding Sentence/Transition to next paragraph Go over example Background of Santa Cause: Growth of the Santa Legend Effect: Became the subject of media Organize an Essay Topic: People dont use their turn signal! (Students will hopefully come up with answers, notes here just in case they have trouble thinking of things on the spot) Definition: People are supposed to use their turn signals! It clogs up traffic, causes accidents Who is affected: Drivers behind them, insurance companies Cause #1: People forget, they are absentminded, arent paying attention, dont care Effect #1: People get annoyed, they are in a bad mood, yell at their friends

10 Minutes

Cause #2: Dont know where theyre going, are lost, need to turn on a dime Effect #2: Cause an accident, cost people money, ruins car insurance Students will get the rest of the period to start on their outlines or finish their notecards Assessment/Check for Understanding: Students will be assessed on how they answer questions about organization, the example presented, the organization of the essay we create Students will be assessed on their completion of their outline Students will be assessed as teacher walks around and looks at individual work Closure: We will be in the computer lab on Monday, so bring your materials to class and we will continue with this then! Self Assessment:

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